Do you feel like you’re raising the next Michael Phelps? Do you rush to your child’s competitions? Are you building an Olympic-sized swimming pool in your backyard? Congratulations — you’re a swim mom! From early training to championship strokes, your child is a professional swimmer-in-training. And, you’re buckled in and ready for the ride.
For all the proud moments you will have with a swimmer in the family, there will also be challenges. You will have to spend your time (and money) nurturing your child’s dreams. You have to support them emotionally as well since you need a certain mindset to succeed. To stay focused on your little star, make sure you’ve got all the nitty-gritty details sorted out. Try not to spend unnecessary time and money on frivolous things like swimming gear. After all, it would help if you conserve energy to cheer them on through competitions. Read on to make sure you continue doing a great job as a swim mom.
Invest in the big dream.
Want to be an amazing swim mom? Invest real time and money into supporting your child’s dream. It’s not enough to support a part of their ambition and give up halfway. Of course, it’s not always easy to do this. You may not have the money to buy the expensive swim gear or hire the best coach. However, this is where your fierce motherly instincts should come into play.
Make the difficult decision to be your child’s support system, cheerleader, and bank all rolled in one. While you need to invest in your child’s future — don’t look at it as something that should get returns. Lend your support regardless of the outcomes. After all, success was slow to come for several successful people.
Also, remember to set an example of good sportsmanship. Don’t yell at the coaches or other participants. If you need to resolve an issue, do so in a polite and restrained matter — preferably in a private space. Encourage your child to continue the hard work while celebrating their achievements. Also, learn to separate their success from your own life. With the right balance, you’ll be a superstar swim mom in no time.
Don’t compromise on safety.
Building a pool for your child to practice in already makes you an awesome swim mom. However, remember not to cut any corners here. It’s essential to have the safest swim space — for your athlete child and the rest of your family.
If you have infants, pets, or seniors living with you, this is crucial. Make sure you learn more about and invest in every swimming pool safety measure you can. A pool safety fence, pool safety nets, and pool alarms are all great options. If a safety fence is an inconvenience, consider removable pool safety fences. Make sure you find a reputable company to buy your pool safety equipment from. For example, at a place like Pool Guard, you can find a top-quality pool guard, fence, or pool net.
Once you get your safety gear in place, consider other additions. You will all benefit from a pool cover for safety and convenience. It will help keep an outdoor pool covered to avoid things like dirt and heat from affecting the water. If you want to splurge, invest in an automatic pool cover. With a safety fence, you can focus on swimming without worrying about accidents.
Find support for yourself.
It can be challenging to parent an athlete, whether they are upcoming or already established. You can do everything right — invest in proper training, be a pillar of support, and keep them safe. And, you can still feel like you’re not doing enough. If you want to give your child everything you can, it’s essential to first take care of yourself.
An excellent way to ease the stress is to find an online community. Social media sites and forums can help you find other swim moms with whom you can share experiences. You can set up a new account on a site like TrulyMama to share your experiences. You can discuss everything from your baby’s first swim lessons to their career goals. You can also find reviews of swim-gear and discover other moms like you who may be able to give you helpful tips. Focusing on yourself may seem like the sort of distraction you can’t afford to waste time on. However, it will help you become a better swim mom for your gifted child.