Working from home has become increasingly popular and convenient, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The global health crisis has forced many companies that might have previously shied away from the work-from-home trend to embrace remote workers. However, some individuals might be having issues adjusting to the new professional demands inherent in a portable workplace landscape. With that in mind, here are three tips for working from home, which may help newbies and veteran remote workers alike.
Designate a Workspace Area
Whether someone has abundant space or lives in a studio apartment, one step to creating a viable work-from-home environment is to designate an area for a home office. Examples of this may involve converting a spare room, corner of a bedroom, or a nook into a workspace. Any room could serve as a suitable space; however, it is essential to ensure that the area is appropriate for work-related purposes.
Create an Inspired Workstation
A typical workstation might include a computer, dedicated phone line, comfortable seating, along with a desk or table. An employer may provide some of these items, or workers could be reimbursed for such expenses. If someone is an independent contractor or freelancer; however, the worker will likely be paying out-of-pocket without the opportunity for reimbursement. As such, finances may dictate how much of an investment a remote worker can afford. When deciding on how to customize the workspace, consider comfortable seating as an essential element. However, this does not mean that the work throne needs to be a big-ticket item. If someone has a favorite recliner or comfy chair, perhaps it can serve as a work seat. If not, a trip to The Salvation Army, a local second-hand store, or a consignment shop could be worthwhile.
Dress for Success
According to some remote workers, another advantage of working from home is working while in pajamas. While this might be appropriate or desirable in some circumstances, it can also pose a hindrance. If someone is doing video conferencing or group meetings, the need to dress for the occasion should go without saying. Moreover, making an effort to dress for public viewing tends to bolster an individual’s confidence and productivity.
While working from home has a myriad of advantages, it also presents its share of challenges. Hopefully, these tips for working from home will assist those acclimating to such a transition and inspire experienced remote workers who have already transitioned.