Many enjoy adventure, but are leery of being in an unknown place where dangers could easily arise. Below are just a few of tips I have tried to keep safe while traveling.

1. Always Blend In

I can not express this enough. If you really want to enjoy the true environment of the location you are visiting become a local. If you are visiting a large city and see people reading newspapers, magazines, books etc., pick up a something from the stand and morph into a local.

2. Do not Flaunt

Tourists always make this mistake. They reveal they are not locals by unnecessarily flaunting things that are uncommon to the locals. When you travel out of the country, especially underdeveloped countries, try to refrain from always checking your phone, taking out electronics, such as ipads, tablets, and laptops. Crime rates are high when it comes to theft of such items. When traveling try to dress like the locals if possible. Do not wear excessive jewelry or very expensive clothing items as you will become a target for theft this way.

3. Be Prepared

Always come prepared with the currency of the country you are visiting. Try to avoid using an ATM close to or on at the airport you arrive at. The local employees or people in the surrounding area will most likely spot those using the ATM. You do not want to unnecessarily noticed by the locals. Do not carry too much money on hand. Always keep an eye on your bags. If you carry a purse try to always keep in front of your body as pickpocketing is not at all uncommon. Before you leave home try to research the countries customs. Try to learn the common passing greetings. Lastly always be friendly, kind, patient, and respectful. You can gain the local’s trust that way. Have fun and stay safe!
