Implementing the right strategies to see things through isn’t an intricate task. What it does require is consistent and persistent action. It requires throwing caution to the wind and enduring tremendous amounts of pain and struggle today in order to reap the rewards tomorrow. 

3 tips for achieving your goals

This is what I remind myself of, when I’m feeling discouraged. And then I remind myself that growth is painful. And that’s why it’s called “growing pains”. I look back, to remind myself of how far I’ve come and it gives me the motivation I need to keep going.

Hey you guys, my name is Molly- and for those of you who may not know me- I’m a dreamer. I’m a visionary. I’m a goal setter and I’m fiercely determined to make my dreams a reality. I’ve been in the entrepreneurial game since 2004, when I started my first company, Organicopia back in the height of the tech CRASH. Amazingly enough, I thrived. This blog is my living journal, sharing my experience, strength and hope while I journey into building my second company, Wylder Space. My goal is to re-create the social dining experience, bringing people together with good food, good drinks and great company.

Here I am, in all my glory  Livin’ the good life, one day at a time!

These are the top 3 tools I want to share for achieving goals over here at Wylder Space. I think you’ll find these 3 tools are things that will help you immensely in making your dreams a reality.

  1. Eliminate bad habits: Clearly, bad habits hold us back. They stifle our growth and get in the way of our hopes and dreams. I’m not sure what kind of habits are holding you back but for me, it meant letting go of things that altered my state of clarity and authenticity. When I would drink, I’d talk about my dreams of grandeur. It was almost like living in a fantasy land, dreaming of what could be, but not having a strong enough follow through to make it happen. Over time, it broke my spirit. I didn’t have the energy to actually make those dreams a reality. I’d wake up after a night of libations, feeling more disconnected than ever. I’d reflect on the night before and feel like a total phony, speaking from an inauthentic mind space because my actions weren’t aligning with my dreams. I struggled with this habit for many years and it wasn’t until I started doing the work of aligning every aspect of my life (personal, spiritual, professional….body, mind and spirit) that I was able to close that chapter for good and step into my purest potential.
This has been a year of growth. Personally, spiritually and professionally.

2. Instill self discipline: To the person who is disciplined, anything is possible. To the person who lacks self discipline, the most benign tasks can feel daunting and overwhelming. The surest road to becoming self disciplined is through your habits. What habits do you have that are supportive of your dreams? I definitely know what mine are. I wake up every morning at 4:30. I start the water for my coffee and I meditate. I’ve been doing this religiously now for almost 3 years and it’s been life changing for me. It allows me the opportunity to center my spirit, to focus on my day, to give thanks for where I’m at and to get clear about what I want to accomplish. I exercise. It allows me the opportunity to set short term goals ( like lifting heavier weight) and achieving it. It helps me feel strong and good and clear. And when I feel good, I do better.

3. Track your progress: When you’re serious about attaining a goal, it’s critical that you track your progress. It allows you the opportunity to look at where you are, make the necessary adjustments and continue moving forward. I look back to where I was at in June 2018. I had JUST rebranded and stepped into large scale catering with Wylder Space.

Back when I had Organicopia, I made this vision board- a few of the dreams and goal and aspirations I’ve held for a long time! Many of these things on my vision board have come true and I believe it’s a direct result of these 3 tips I’m sharing with you.

I had a few goals in mind. Get a van. Get a kitchen. Scale. Build this brand.

It’s 2019. We’ve more than doubled our sales. Wylder Space grew 112.5% in 8 short months (incredible!). I worked out of my itty bitty subaru until I literally could not do one more event without taking the leap into purchasing a van. HUGE accomplishment! (I feel pretty good about that one.)

I shared a kitchen with 4 other girls and quickly recognized Wylder Space was outgrowing that space. As with all the things that have happened within building this business, I just happened to meet the right people, at the right time and the right opportunity presented itself which allowed me the opportunity to build our own work space. Another HUGE milestone. Wylder Space is now able to plant some roots.

My husband and I bought our first home in July of 2019. And by Nov. 1 of 2019 we have started the build out process for a tasting room and kitchen within the very community in which we live. Talk about grace and gratitude. I feel so fortunate and so blessed to be living out a dream. Wylder Space is a business being built from the ground up that we’ll be able to share with our children. Now more than ever, Wylder Space will be able to bring people together with good food, good drinks and good company.

Last but not least, these lil’ videos I put out. I’m still at it. I’m still makin’ videos- a 15 year old dream that I’ve been whittling away at since I founded Organicopia in my lil’ home town of Saratoga, CA. Though that dream has evolved over the years (from wanting to be on the Food Network to enjoying the art of content creation) I’m able to do what I enjoy, everyday. I’ve found a way to make a living by following my dreams. And NOW these video’s help in building the Wylder Space brand.

Sometimes I feel stagnant. Sometimes I feel discouraged. There have been times this year in particular- where I honestly didn’t know if I had it in me to continue on. Sometimes I have to stop and reflect. I get quiet, re-read my journal, revisit my goals, re-evaluate what makes my spirit sing. I recognize the progress in my life.

I’ve finally aligned my personal life, my spirituality and my professional dreams into a beautiful tapestry of art. I feel pretty good about that. I feel really good about that, actually.

On the micro level, my goal is to be the best version of myself that I can be. On the macro level, my goal is to show you that it’s possible to make your dream a reality and that it’s possible to do anything you set your mind to doing. If I can do it- this small town girl from Saratoga, who came from everything, but started this business with nothing but a dream and an empty pocket- than you can do it too- because I’m certain that if you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

Thank you for allowing Wylder Space to cook for you and for allowing us to be a part of your events. We love working with you!!!

With love and a deep sense of gratitude, I want to thank you. Cooking of course, is my craft, and food is the medium I use to bring people together….but writing has always been and always will be my soul food. So thank you. Thank you for following along in my journey of building this brand, building this family run business from the ground up and sharing my trials and triumphs in Wylder Space.

Cheers, you guys!
