Have you hit a slump or wondering what it will take to just shift yourself up a gear without the need to spend lots of time and money on training and development? Then here are 3 tips to help you achieve more out of your performance at work every day starting right now.
Tip 1 – Start to actively listen
This means you don’t just open your ears and let words filter in but become 100% present. Listening with ears, eyes and emotions so that you immerse yourself in the here and now. Those who actively listen are intent on understanding not just hearing and this means they don’t miss an opportunity; their productivity rockets and relationships improve. You can start this immediately by limiting distractions, giving someone your full attention and asking more questions.
Tip 2 – Rewrite your personal workplace rule book
Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to performance management? Zapping our energy and effectiveness with poor habits which impact time and attention management, and knock our performance is a common mistake many of us make. Giving your own personal workplace rule book an overhaul will help you eliminate and step change bad behaviours which are limiting you. It starts with an honest reflection on habits, identification of the better behaviour and then rewriting the personal rules. Perhaps, it’s the ‘no chit-chat’ at work rule or the rules around diary management that need attention. Maybe, it’s the saying ‘no more than yes’ rule. Or rules that stop you always being distracted by email or other technology.
You will know what needs to change when you take a look at your daily routine and behaviour. Identify where and how you spend time and honestly accept you are holding yourself back. Follow your own clear, disciplined rules and you’ll turn your performance up a notch.
Tip 3 – Set developmental goals
If you know something isn’t working and you want to change it, then don’t just think it or set an intention, set a clearly defined, measurable goal. Goals sign post you to greater performance. They keep you accountable to your actions, help you focus and motivate you to get the best out of yourself. Today why don’t you take 3 things you believe need changing or developing and break them down into manageable goals – be specific and realistic, decide when you want to achieve them, how you will measure your success and then go for it. Get focused and you’ll see the boost in performance immediately.
Start leading yourself to better and you’ll start to make every day your best day.