Simply say, being stressed is an uncertain state of psychology, which grounds up when you tussle with a thought over and over. However, the medical experts claim that it’s a chemical reaction taking place inside. It’s like a slow poison, as smoking, which starts with suppressing your immunity and heart condition. Gradually, your gut health declines and you hardly sleep.
Recall the incident when you’re alleged for any wrongdoing that you did not do. Being an introvert, you could not retaliate at that time. You might be passing several sleepless nights, thinking about it frequently since that day. That sleep deprivation might be clearly visible in the eye bags. Apparently, the stress mars your looks and positivity, quickening the ageing of skin.
The Good Stress or “Eustress”
There is a lesser known effect-“The stress may be good for you.” A study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology in 2013 proved that it can have a good effect on our body. A positive psychology professor at the Harvard University has found that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If we feel excited while ignoring any threat or fear, it is a good stress. However, our pulse quickens and our hormones surge, as happens in the contra condition, i.e. bad stress or “distress”. But, we premeditate that it’s a fun to take that challenge. Assume yourself in a roller-coaster, enjoying the feeling of being alive with faster heart throbbing. It’s a state of ‘eustress’.
In short, the good or positive stress is a perception that we love to accelerate from a challenging situation. What if every condition of bad stress is seen with a better attitude and a greater awareness? Certainly, you won’t need any anti-ageing cosmetic treatment, as your biology will cope with it. Let’s get through how.
How to manage stress in life?
Here is a guide to navigate the nonnegotiable bad stress.
- Identify the cause:
You cannot escape from the family drama and responsibilities, piling up bills and overburdening work. So, avoid avoiding. Rather, pinpoint the cause that excites your neural activities in the brain. Upon identifying, let the idea does not take a heavy toll. Just relax quickly.
Let’s say, you’re going to have one hour long face time with your boss, which makes your heart beat faster than before. Now, determine if this neural activity is due to good or bad reasons. It is essential because this condition can be chronic, which can make you bedridden. The trouble actually begins when the fear of encountering face-to-face with the boss weighs over and you feel weaker. Your face grows wrinkly gradually. Your stress hormone-cortisol goes stronger, damaging oxidative cells.
- Reframe perceptions around the cause:
A stress that you find positive can be negative for others or vice versa. You may take the meeting with your boss as a learning experience, whereas the other one may want to escape from that situation. A little bit of effort or a drastic shift from the negative to positive perception can result in overcoming that fear. Enhance your vision to look things from a different angle or an enhanced lens, rather than the threatening ones.
A slight altering in your perception can accelerate hundreds of opportunities to derive positivity, happiness and beauty.
- Deal with stress positively:
Lou Holtz has once claimed-“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” Biologically, we respond to the stress through “fight or flight”. Certainly, the positive way is better to deal with anxiety rather than carrying it.
Consider the scenario wherein you have stopped talking to your colleague after an argument over some trivial issues. If you would have wrapped up that debate with a hug, it could help you to prevent the prospective stress. Scientifically, it is proven that the hug produces the “cuddle hormone”, which can fill you with compassion and care.
However, your adrenaline and dopamine stimulate blood and oxygen together with DHEA-a hormone responsible for the growth of the brain when you are in stress. Internally, a stressful condition pushes your body to secrete chemicals that rebuild cells, synthesize proteins and improve immunity.
In the nutshell, when people are filled with positivity before a stressful situation, the prospective stress can be prevented. The altered perceptions associated with negative responses can weigh DHEA over cortisol, which eventually help you to fill with biological courage that instinctively overcomes the stress.