Have you ever wondered why you don’t get the sales for your courses or product?
You didn’t ask!
It is a disservice to your client or customers not to offer your product or service to them.
Information and Content are Not Enough!
I have always over-delivered content but never asked for the sale; I wondered why they didn’t buy from me. Has this happened to you?
Sharing information is my passion. Finding solutions to pain points, both physically, mentally, and in business, individuals without offering a product or service leave your client hanging and seeking out products from other teachers or coaches. I was the expert, but why were they going to google to get products?
How to Sell with integrity
- Provide value
- Create a relationship
- Let people know about your product
Several of my students wondered why their sales were down, in training, coaching, or treatment.
I asked them if they did ads on social media. They all shared no. They don’t need to.
Why you need to advertise
- Build your brand — reach a larger market
- Create relationships — develop relationships with other businesses and have people cross-refer
- Get your product out in front of people who are looking for your product
I learned late in my business career that marketing is not selling. Also, marketing for one-on-one clients is a different language than marketing to students for my courses.
A nice-looking website or Instagram page may not convert into sales if you don’t ask. People don’t know what you have to offer unless you tell them. But before you ask, how much content needs to be delivered is critical.
3 Beliefs that can prevent you from successful selling
- I don’t need to. I am busy already — often this is one on one, not one to many; what this means is that you have a ceiling on what you can make.
- I don’t know how. Create a script for yourself and your social media platforms.
- It didn’t work — what I hear a lot — “ I did a 15-dollar ad on Facebook and did not get any traction”.
How do you change your beliefs?
- Hire a coach — I am often called an idea inspiring person. Not only do I understand the business with over 20 years self-employment, I have a deep intuitive connection to where mental blocks are for people, and with a little direction, you can release old belief patterns that no longer serve you. I have supported many individuals to gain tremendous success, write the book they always wanted to, and more.
2.Take Action: Until you take action, the old habits cannot be broken.
3. Daily practice of self-care.
Often this takes outside support from a coach who has a deep understanding of the unconscious mind. For some people, doing affirmations is not enough to change a deep-rooted belief system. When affirmations and cognitive thoughts are not enough, hire a brain retraining or coach that can access your unconscious beliefs.
Not having a voice or knowing how to ask prevents you from success.
To learn how to change and switch on your brain for success, I invite you to contact me.
Simone Fortier