Certainly, life can throw some severe curveballs. One day, things could be going great. Then, the next day, you may find yourself engulfed with grief, contemplating a divorce, or on the brink of losing your job. With May being the Mental Health Awareness Month, it is important to share ways to persevere amongst life’s challenges, while still being mindful of your feelings. Here are three ways to cope:
Process What’s Going On
When you’re faced with challenges, it can be wise to take a step back and process. You likely want to avoid acting solely on your emotions. Logic and understanding are important in the first stages of receiving disheartening news. When something occurs that has the ability to negatively impact and disrupt your once normal life, assess and accept what happened. Our challenges can teach us a few things and can cause growth – as long as we don’t remain stuck in feelings of grief and resentment. With that said, after you fully process what has occurred, it is also important to honor your feelings.
Honor Your Feelings
After experiencing a loss, going through a divorce, or losing your job, your emotions might be all over the place. That is quite understandable. Take as much time as you need in order to heal. Honor your feelings – there is no magic number or specific timeline to place on yourself in order to heal. Give yourself some grace. Grief has several stages and phases. Also, grief doesn’t always have to involve losing a person. Be mindful of your feelings and emotions during whatever stage of grief you are in. Remember, this too shall pass.
Create a Plan to Move Forward
When creating your plan to move forward, be sure to find a support group, a mentor, or therapy. Community and connecting with like-minded individuals can be critical during this phase of your life. It is possible to heal and persevere individually, however, being in the midst of others who are on the same path makes the journey more beneficial and worthwhile. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – instead, it shows strength. If you have lost your job, reach out to a certified career coach to find a new career, or connect with a group of entrepreneurs in order to find out how to start your own business. If you’re going through a divorce or lost a close family member or friend, seek therapy, confide in someone, and/or seek a support group to help you through this tumultuous time. In my experience as a divorce lawyer handling divorce and family law cases in Bergen County, New Jersey, and Monmouth County, New Jersey, I have found that creating a plan often helps my clients to fully work through grief, hurt, and disappointment.
In closing, life can take us from one extreme to another. The challenges we face ultimately determine our true strength and resiliency. When faced with one (or more) of life’s challenges, it is important to take a step back and process, honor your feelings and develop a plan to move forward. Growth and healing lie on the other side of you making the effort to push through your pain and discomfort.
This article contains general information and opinions from Sheena Burke Williams and is not intended to be a source of legal advice for any purpose. No reader of this article should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information included in this article without seeking legal advice of counsel. Sheena Burke Williams expressly disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any content in this article.