Written by the Top Transformational Coach Michelle Valenzuela Wolf:
When do you feel the most yourself? I’m talking about the four C’s totally carefree, confident, clear, and content. These are the moments when we tap into the best version of ourselves. Perhaps you feel this when you’re at your job or when you’re laughing with your family. Whatever or whenever this is, we want to work towards tapping into the best version of yourself at all times. How can we unleash our fullest potential?
Something that comes along with being and feeling our best is taming the negative self-talk or nagging voice inside our head that says; Am I good enough? Particularly for women, this statement is true! Oftentimes we find ourselves feeling inadequate and questioning our self-worth.
I’m here to let you know that when we genuinely try our best, it’s enough! I promise you. Sometimes we go through seasons of insecurity in our lives. It happens to the best of us. You’re not alone in this feeling. However, by putting our best foot forward and embracing our unique talents, we will (eventually) succeed.
This time of year, the stress seems to pile up around us like stacks and stacks of paperwork. While we’re preparing for the holidays and spending time with our families, life can be overwhelming at times if we don’t have the proper tools in our personal toolbox to cope with it. Speaking of toolboxes, I also curated a Fall Back Inspirational Took Kit for you of some of our favorite wellness champions on our podcast.
Stress management is essential to success. Start with clearing your mind with some deep breaths. In yoga, we like to remind everyone to stay mindful. Now, what does mindfulness even mean? To us, it’s a mental state where one is totally aware of their physical presence in the present moment. It means that one acknowledges and accepts the state of body, mind, and spirit. Tap into mindfulness and embrace your current state. Then, channel your emotions to project you to your fullest potential. You may recall me discussing mindfulness and ways to stay present in my Tid Bit a few weeks ago.
Now that we are inching our way towards some normalcy, I wanted to give everyone some helpful tips for a smooth transition back to work, school, or your day-to-day routine.
- Confidence is Key – The more mentally prepared you are, the better you are at not stressing yourself out. Do things in advance, plan out your goals, and build a successful structure. Tap into strengths, take classes and commit to the more confident you!
- Clarity – Get out of the fog. How are you actually going to get to your goal? If you know where you are going, you can plot your path. Perhaps you like to write your goals down in a journal, or maybe you need to talk them out with a friend. Have you considered talking it out with a certified transformational life coach?
- Content – Tap back into going easy on yourself. Stop being a perfectionist. Whatever shows up is there for you to learn. Be in the present moment. Change does not always mean taking something good away. It’s an opportunity to welcome new experiences that will make you happy.
- Carefree – Remember the importance of self-care. When we allow ourselves moments of introspection and really take care of our overall well-being, we open up our minds to experience the freedom and fun that our wonderful lives have to offer. We focus a lot on meditation, but another great tool is CBD which can allow you to release anxiety and have a more rested sleep with products from Fleur Marche, who will be featured on the podcast soon.
And finally, the BONUS C, which is the most valuable tool for everyone – Coaching! Transformational coaching allows you to tap into your highest version of yourself, discover your purpose, and provide accountability to stay on your path. Take it from me, a Yahoo Finance Top 1% Certified Transformational Coach. My goal is to guide you to achieve a balance between the worlds of business and wellness through practicing mindfulness and a growth mindset. Our EmpowHer Purpose community provides the support to activate your plan and move toward your goals. In addition, I am there to guide and hold you accountable through each step to reach your goal successfully. Read more about my coaching profile on USA Today.
Learn more about how one-on-one coaching can help you today! Check out our website for a full list of benefits and to schedule a FREE 30-minute one-on-one coaching call.