Change of Season
The cooler weather and shorter days are calling to wrap yourself in cozy solitude. This sweater weather reminds us to tuck in early, be introspective, and self soothe with quiet comforts. One main concern for people taking a break from alcohol is their social life. As the buzz of a social summer winds down, September is the perfect time to ditch the drink. The hygge lifestyle of fall encompasses a feeling of wellness and contentment. Being alcohol free aligns with wellbeing. As the weather changes, so can we. We look to nature to guide us. It’s a season of letting go. Like the leaves of a tree, we can release the things, like alcohol, that no longer serve us. We see the beauty in transformation of trees and serves as a reminder to us. Transformation is welcome. It’s ok to try something new. Let nature be your guide and try a break from booze.
The Real New Year
The start of a school year is an invitation to get organized, start new habits, and set new goals. September is also Recovery Month, and Self Improvement Month. You can’t get a better nudge than that! The perfect antidote to drinking alcohol, is putting new healthy routines in place. Indulgent nightly self care routines coupled with intentional mindful mornings are the opposite of late nights and hangovers. Adding or upping your exercise, making positive nutritional changes, and finding time for spiritual practices all add up. These are the positive tools necessary to take a break from alcohol. The new school year is a fresh start at a new, improved, you.
Fall Drinks
There are so many great options for drinks when the calendar flips to September. Leave your margaritas behind on the patio and pick up that pumpkin spice latte for a fireside chat. Cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg are the perfect additions to spice up a warm drink. The season calls for nothing “on the rocks”, but instead everything sipped from a warm cozy mug. There’s a variety of alcohol free beers for tailgating. Gruvi and Athletic Brewing are a few of my favorites. You can stay healthy and social. Enjoy the taste without the negative consequences of alcohol. There are so many delicious drinks to enjoy, and alcohol is not required. If you’ve had an gluttonous summer, September is a the perfect time to detox and renew before the holiday season approaches.
Sober Movement
There is a major worldwide shift happening with more and more people trying the alcohol free lifestyle on for size. The trend is sober curious folks taking a pause from alcohol , without committing to abstinence forever. There are many communities of people in the gray area drinking zone, all questioning their relationship with alcohol. The thought that you have to hit rock bottom before you question is an outdated idea. You are free to evaluate at any time. If alcohol is not serving you, you are free to give it up. Your drinking doesn’t have to get worse. There are countless reasons not to drink. The sober curious movement encourages being more intentional about how, when and why you drink. It’s a movement for everyone, not only those who have health- or addiction-related reasons to abstain from alcohol. Sober curiosity promotes the idea of asking questions about alcohol, or consuming less of it. This may lead to positive outcomes for one’s health, relationships, finances and more.
If all else fails, vanity is a great motivator. Want to look your best? Ditch the drink. Your skin gets brighter, your body gets stronger. The sparkle returns to your eyes and your bloat disappears. Your sleep improves. Your energy and confidence increases. You lose the 3 am anxiety and your mood improves. This looks great on everyone. There are many health benefits to quitting drinking. Every week that you refrain from alcohol, the benefits increase, take a break see for yourself!
Need support? Check out my online, self paced 6 week class for taking a break from alcohol. Want more customized support? Book your free discovery call now www.ditchedthedrink.com