When the future seems uncertain, it is important to first and foremost be genuine and empathetic. As a leader, these qualities are critical for building a connected and engaged team. With these characteristics in mind, there are several ways we can boost morale and inspire, motivate, and engage the team during turbulent times.

  1. Building trust and promoting honesty are the foundations of a strong team. Showing the team we are committed to them and communicating directly and clearly are great ways to foster these relationships. When the team feels prioritized, they will feel motivated. On the other hand, manipulating the team or making misleading promises is the quickest way to lose trust and respect as a leader.
  2. When we talk about what it means to be empathetic and how we can put the team first, we can start by taking a step back and recognizing that everyone we work with is human. We all have worries, fears, and difficulties in our personal lives. Make sure to check in regularly and spend one-on-one time with each employee to better understand their situation. When we speak with our employees, we can work with them to find potential solutions and, when possible, create more flexibility with their situation. Showing this type of commitment is a great way to connect and motivate the team.
  3. Motivation is a great way to empower individuals, but boosting morale also means empowering the entire team. We can do this by building a sense of togetherness and inspiring collaboration. Show employees how their role contributes to the bigger picture and reinforce that the team excels when we all work together. Instilling this sense of togetherness will engage the team and encourage them to take ownership of their individual roles.
  4. With everything we do, we should inspire hope in our team by having conversations about the future. While it is important to recognize that times may be tough, we need to then guide the team to focus on future opportunities to help everyone see beyond today’s challenges and keep the bigger picture in mind. Sharing potential new opportunities and remaining positive will help to motivate and inspire.

What about you? What are you doing to boost morale within your team during these uncertain times?

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.