This is the first time ever that I’ve used a swear word in my blog.
Today, we’re talking about DRAMA.
Is this scene at all familiar?
DRAMATIC behavior usually comes from either the need to be in control of things or a resistance to change. So, no wonder the drama-meters are positively exploding right now!
If you’re struggling with being over-reactive, extra sensitive, or work/live with someone who is, the 4 tips below will help. The most important tip, as usual, is number 4. So much of the drama we deal with today comes from the need to be in control.
Here are the four tools I used years ago when I was struggling with oh-so-much drama at work, at home, and at church. Implementing just one of these strategies will help you to feel more relaxed, peaceful, and productive.
- Replace saying “I have to” with “I get to”. Most of these complaints are truly first-world problems.
- Try looking at possible solutions instead of focusing on the problems.
- Notice the tendency to over-apologize and over-explain. Men don’t do that.
- Take GOOD CARE of yourself. When you are exhausted, depleted, hungry, tired, frustrated, AND overwhelmed, you’re not going to handle things as well as you normally would.
Here is how I did it:
BONUS: when you make positive changes, you are showing those around you how to do the same.
Important to remember: When you begin to eliminate drama or make any significant positive changes, this may make others uncomfortable. Don’t let that surprise or throw you off. Their discomfort may be directed towards you in the form of criticism, sabotage or bullying, but their frustration is all about themselves and their own need to make changes. Be sure to take steps to surround yourself with other positive influences that will keep you on track and facing forward.