A motivated employee is a productive employee.
They say, “motivation is like taking a bath, you need it daily.” Hence one of the most admirable attributes of an employer, is one who motivates their employees often. This is important for it makes them want to jump out of bed and not sulk every weekday. Motivating the employees is actually a simple mindset change. This can be simply as a handwritten “thank you” note or saying “hi” to them around the work place. The aim is actually to make the workers happy which in turn makes them more productive. By applying this motivation tips, the employees will be able to acquire a new mindset in the work area and separate your company to be the best among the rest.
1.Have a personal touch
1.This is an important motivation tip to any employer. Personal touch does go a long way to not only motivating the worker, but also to making them feel important. By investing with them as people with children, spouses and career goals among others. Sending flowers or a congratulatory note when they have a newborn for instance. Is one way to have a personal touch with them.
2.Lead by example
A true leader, leads from the front. By having an example from their employer, employees get motivated to follow through. In an example, a leader who keeps time, motivates his or her employees to keep time. The energy an employer renders is normally tapped with ease by the employees. Since most of the time, low energy levels among employers can easily be witnessed by the employees.
This never grows old. Incentives is always a win when it is about motivating an individual or a team of employees. This can be in form of a bonus cheque, a shopping voucher, fully paid trip with the team or individual and their families. An employee that receives incentives once in a while are motivated to work harder and are rarely pushed to work.
4.Be visible
A visible employer ensures the employees know the boss is around. If an employer is never seen or is seen once across a corridor towards a scheduled meeting, or in a yearly newsletter. This makes them feel more of workers and a barrier is also created. Hence a simple handshake asking, “How they are doing?” and even remembering their names, are simple gestures that make the employer visible to the employees and creates a healthy work environment with them.
Motivating the employees ensures that they can give their best when no one is watching. Creating such an environment with employees is possible when they are motivated. Different companies have different ways to motivate their employees, however having an approach involving the employer directly does wonders. For example, with a good meal and drink people are able to open up and share a lot. Hence an employer who can invest in a retreat once or twice a year to empower, mingle, and get suggestions from the employees. Gives them a voice and keeps his or her company ahead of others.