Do you have a CALMING daily ritual?

With the recent changes to our society, our communities and our own homes, what can we do to calm the heck down and not go insane??? If you said, “Implement a daily ritual” then you’d be right!

Finding time for solitude, even if it’s while you’re in the bathroom (not even joking!), is imperative to quell anxiety and empower your heart & mind to get shit done! 

We all have those to-do lists, but how much do we actually accomplish? Give yourself some grace about what you didn’t do thus far, and start over. Yup, you get to (re)write the rules. Do what makes you feel good – what makes your spirit sing and puts your mind at ease. 

Here are some examples of ways to find calm right now, get more intentional about your own wellbeing and find some flow in your quarantined, yet likely hectic home right now:

  1. ? Make a mood magicplaylist. Listen to some tunes that raise your vibration instantly. In a party mood? A meditative space? Whatever your feeling, immerse yourself in the “now” and become one with your chosen tracks!
  2. Self-care. Whether it’s reading a self-help book, browsing a cooking magazine or having a cup of herbal tea, do something that actually nurtures you. 
  3. Good mood food. Use this down time to eat more foods that can lift your mood and balance hormones. Foods like cacao powder, oats, maca root powder, and vanilla beans are easily accessible and also pair well with so many foods (including each other) to give your body and mind a boost. And don’t forget healthy fatty fish like wild-caught salmon to boost bodily functions with the naturally occurring Omega fatty acids 
  4. Serious skin care. You don’t have to spend a fortune to treat your skin like that of a Goddess or a God. Spend some time using more natural ingredients to make a homemade face serum, mask or body scrub! Common things like olive or grapeseed oil, honey, witch hazel, essential oils, sea salt, and raw sugar can incorporate to make fabulous products that yield remarkable results. You can find a host of homemade skin care recipes online. 
  5. Get your Spirit right. Even the most wildly successful people have a spiritual growth routine that centers them amid daily tasks and stressors. Getting more in touch with your spirituality is essential regardless of your religion, and can include things like guided meditations (I love this before bed), chanting/singing, prayer, and burning/smudging herbs traditionally used to protect and clear spaces of negative energy. Don’t forget to lean on a spiritual leader who resonates with you, for inspiration. My personal fave is Michael Beckwith and I listen to him almost daily. 

Whatever you choose to do, remember you MUST put your well-being first in order to wholeheartedly be there for others. And what a magical time we can make this ✨. Avoid over consumption of news (and food lol), be playful, start dreaming, and journal! Imagine your wildest dreams coming true and write it down. Use the time you have to be intentional about the life you are creating – our lives are constantly unfolding before us, and regardless of worldly events, I choose to believe that we still hold the pen.

Sending good vibes,
