Everyone can agree that 2020 has been a difficult year. Thank goodness it’s almost over. Besides the pandemic, many people have lost their jobs or are not happy in their current jobs. This is difficult in the best of times, but to a greater degree in a pandemic.
I am going to give you five tips that will help you achieve success in finding a new job or in your career growth.
Choose a Positive Attitude
A positive attitude makes it a lot easier to cope with challenges in your life and career. It also helps you to avoid negative thinking and worries. If you make this a part of your life, it will help attain constructive changes and give your life a boost.
Even if you are trying to hide your negative attitude, other people can see it. You are also less likely to do your best if you take the attitude that you are not going to succeed, so what is the point in trying?
A positive attitude will help you enormously in reaching success.
Learn Something New
Whether you are just getting back into the working world after your children have grown up or you want to change your career, learning something new can always give you an advantage. For instance, if you like doing web development, learning SEO and WordPress can help you on your path to success. If you are already a copywriter, learning a new language can broaden your horizons and open new job opportunities. You should always embrace new learning as a way to grow and move forward in your career.
Start doing a Weekly Review
It is not realistic to do the same thing repeatedly and expect different results. It is a good idea to review your week to see what went wrong and what went right. Throughout the week take notes about what you have done and then review those notes. What worked? What did not work? Are there things that you could have done differently to change the outcome?
Create an Advisory Board for Your Career
Finding or changing a career is not a journey you have to take alone. Many professionals recommend creating an advisory board for your career. An advisory board may comprise of 5 to 10 people that you trust and who know you well enough to give you sound advice. You can meet 3 to 4 times a year via a Zoom call for 45 minutes to discuss what is going on in your career and to receive their guidance and counsel.
Your advisory board may include teachers, former supervisors, coaches, professionals you know and former coworkers. Make sure these are people who know and respect you and who can help you with your journey and keep you on the right track. They can provide valuable insights and feedback to help you in your career search and growth. Make sure you thank them after each meeting and let them know how much you appreciate their advice.
Start a Morning Routine
One of the hardest things about the pandemic is that it has disrupted many routines. Most successful people have a morning routine to get them going and to start the day with purpose.
Think about incorporating a routine that can be as short as 6 minutes or as long as 60 minutes, depending on your available time. My morning routine consists of meditation, exercise, journaling, reading/listening to a podcast, affirmations, and visualizations. These are activities that I do every day to start my day with a clear mind. Get up 15 minutes earlier and you will be able to incorporate a routine like this in your life. You will see a new perspective and level of success in your life.
These are five things that you can do to help you with career success. I hope that you have found this useful. Please come back because I will be posting more blogs regularly to help you with your job search.