Healing crystals has recently gained quite a bit of popularity following the yoga trend.  Big name celebrities from Katy Perry to Miranda Kerr have also hopped on the band wagon by showing off their shiny crystal collection.

These days, more and more people are opening up to using healing crystals. And if anything, they are simply beautiful to look at.  Keep in mind, these gemstones have a rich history.  Ancient civilizations began using them and trying to harness the energy from these stones.

Have you ever tried used healing crystals before? Was it something you wanted to try, but just didn’t have enough knowledge of them? The purpose of crystal healing is to rebalance the energy in your body.  Every crystal stone has a different “power”, many of them are used to draw out negative energies that build up in your body. 

There are so many different types of crystals and what they mean, that I am just going to share the 5 most popular ones for you. But let’s first explore what healing crystals are and what they can do for you.

What Are Healing Crystals?

It is believe that we have each of seven centers of spiritual power in the human body. These centers can sometimes be misaligned or disrupted by negative energy.  This is where we use crystals as a healing enhancement or charm to rebalance this order. Crystal gemstones are place on or surrounding your body during the healing process.  They act as a channel for healing by drawing out the negative energy, which can help positive and healing energy flow into the body. Certain gemstones are also known to have powers of disease prevention and curing of illnesses.

Every crystal carries a different energy and healing power, so it’s good to know which crystal is right for you and your intentions for it. I’ve listed 5 more popular healing crystals and their meanings so you are able to make a wise decision in your selection.

1. Tiger Eye

This special crystal is typically used for maintaining and wealth building.  The powers associated with this stone is to help create understanding and awareness in a person. This particular stone is terrific to help keep you calm when you’re feeling stressed. It is often used in healing rituals. And if you want to enhance the stone’s power, they fit especially well for Capricorn Zodiac signs. If you want to find more crystal beads, here are 6 other crystal stones to look into for happiness.

Tiger’s Eye Stone Bead Bracelet

2. Rose Quartz

This beautiful pink crystal is known as the “love crystal” as you could imagine. If you want to find love, this stone is known for being the cupid of stones by drawing the attraction energy as well as maintaining the love. Another special power the Rose Quartz carries is the ability to mend your hear from disappointment and pain.

Zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus do really well with this stone because they are already passionate inside.  

This stone is suitable for all as we all could use more love.  On top of that, this stone is able to balance your heart.

Rose Quartz Bathtub

3. Crystal Quartz

This crystal quartz gemstone is the purity stone. It is known to have a pure and powerful energy source that helps the individual be more aware as well as stimulate your brainwaves. Easier put, it’s a natural energy to replace your caffeine boost.  When you are feeling mentally or physically tired, this is a terrific stone to place and meditate with to balance your body, soul and mind. 

Crystal Quartz Coffee Table

4. Citrine

The colors should tell it all! This beautiful cluster of citrine crystal is used for it’s warm and optimistic energy! This crystal is like an anti virus program for your computer.  The powers from this stone identifies the negative energy coming your way and repels it.  Since it also promotes clarity, it can help your creative side as well. Positivity, clarity and warmth is the recipe to creativity. 

Zodiac signs such as Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Leo do particularly well with this stone.

5. Amethyst

The Amethyst is a crystal is one of my favorite gemstones because of its beauty as well as healing powers. It is most commonly known to help cure hangovers and provide clarity.  But what I like most about the stone is it is good for anxiety.  It carries the healing propertie to aid in emotional issues and balancing your chakra. Amethyst crystal therapies are often meant to balance the crown chakra which calms the nervous system and curing your negative thoughts.

The Amethyst Crystal are especially good for zodiac signs such as Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn.

Amethyst iPhone XS Case

Hope this brief introductory of popular gemstones can help you find get started and discover which piece of gem fits you best.  If you’d like to learn more, here is another article about the sacred guide to crystals.


  • Mikey Wu

    The world is my playground

    I started off in the manufacturing sector working in Asia and the U.S. for over 10 years. Then branched into e-commerce, retail brand and building a marketing agency. I call the world my playground because I am able to connect with people through the businesses I built and enjoys what life brings to me. There is always a glimmer a light that you should follow.