Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, having the right attitude and doing a great job can be a constant battle for many. It can be even more difficult if you don’t like what you’re doing or who you’re doing the work for. In this post, I am going to discuss 5 questions you can ask yourself to find your business niche, AKA, who you want to work with.
As a business owner, doing work for different industries has brought about a full pallet of different emotions. While I love doing marketing for therapy practices and marketing for dental practices, I dislike working with the real estate industry. But that doesn’t mean someone else can’t love working with the real estate industry.
Each of us are unique and have unique skill sets. We each connect with different types of people and have different likes and dislikes. But to do our best work and enjoy each day, it’s important to find who we love working with. Lets discuss 5 questions you can ask yourself to find who you want to work with.
1. What Interests You?
The first question you can ask yourself is “what interests you?” Only you can answer this question, but it is so crucial to find out what it is you love doing and who you love serving.
As a business owner, it’s not enough to just find what you love doing. You must also answer the next question, what type of people do you love serving?
2. Who Do You Love Working With?
Probably just as important as the “what” is the “who.” Who do you love working with? A better way to ask that question, who do you love serving? While I may connect with medical professionals, you may connect better with blue collar professionals.
To best utilize your what, you need to know your who.
3. What Problems Can You Solve?
Question 3 can help you figure out your “who.” What problems can you solve for your ideal client or ideal employer? If you find that artists are having a hard time getting quality paint at a reasonable price, maybe you found a niche.
Or perhaps you know a thing or two about heating and air conditioning, you could choose to serve that industry by finding out what their problems are.
It’s important to think about your potential “who” and then ask how you can help them solve a problem (or multiple problems).
4. How Competitive is Your Desired Field(s)?
One important question to ask is how competitive is the field that you want to work in? If you love working with sports but only .01% of applicants get a job in sports, you may want to look at a few other options. I’m not saying to give up on your dreams, but just to have options.
In the case of my business, the dental field is very competitive yet I still work with dentists because my love of working with them overcomes the competition in my mind.
5. Is Your Desired Area Profitable?
A question we must ask ourselves, is the desired area I want to be in profitable? Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you absolutely are loving what you do and who you work with. But money should at least be something to consider.
Final Thoughts
Finding your “what” and your “who” are so important to loving what you do. If you’re a business owner, there are many more reasons you should consider working with a niche, such as your marketability and being able to showcase your expertise so that it speaks to your target client.
I hope you found these 5 questions insightful in finding your professional passion.
My name is Anthony Bart, I’m the owner of BartX Digital, DentalX, and TherapistX. We help medical professionals like dentists, doctors, and psychologists grow their practices.