Burnout is everywhere.
Every profession, every role, every gender, every age. There are people in your life (maybe you) that are burning out.
I’m often asked what are the signs of burnout, and after much research and conversations, the 5 most common signs come up time and time again.
Exhaustion/Insomnia/Poor Sleep
We do so much damage to our bodies and mind on a daily basis. We consume negative news on TV, we have poor diet choices, our lives lack of exercise, we have negative thoughts about our past and anxiety about our future.
Lost Motivation
When your body isn’t rested, and you are in a burned out state, you often lack motivation to do ANYTHING. Things that you used to enjoy, you no longer make time for, or you simply are numb when in those situations.
Increased Mistakes/Impaired Memory
People that are in a burned out state often make more mistakes than they normally do. They also are more forgetful, simply because their minds are spinning on so many other worries, that they forget simple things.
Struggle To Make Decisions
Easy decisions become almost impossible when you are burned out. Your mind is fearful of making more mistakes. So you spin on worst case scenarios, instead of having the clarity to make a decision with the information you have available.
Irritable & Snapping At People
When I was in my burned out state in 2008-09, I was very short with loved ones. I would be angered by the most trivial of things. This state adds fuel to your burnout.
How To Address Your Burnout
Entering into a burned out state doesn’t happen overnight, and recovering from burnout isn’t an instant fix either. The key is to stop the burnout from growing, and then find a trusted advisor (I know one!) that can guide you to fully recovering from burnout, and learn techniques to prevent burnout from happening again.
Improve Your Sleep
Your body repairs itself while you sleep, which is why getting good quality sleep is important. Some simple tips:
- Get your room to a comfortable temperature for you to sleep
- Find the right pillow for you
- Sleep mask if you can’t have a completely dark room
- No TV or smartphone usage 1 hour before bedtime (I know, this one is rough!)
Find Your Motivation
If you lack motivation, you need to start doing things you enjoy doing. Too often when we are burned out, we stop doing things that bring us happiness and fulfillment. Check out my How To Live Your Bucket List Every Day post.
Slow Down
Society, work, home, etc have us on this go go go go go pace, which is simply not sustainable. We need to have breaks within our days, breaks from our work, breaks from our smartphones. When was the last time you sat in a chair and did nothing? Try some simple breathing exercises to get started.
Document your life. Documenting your daily life (it doesn’t have to be the length of a book each day) will help you reflect on your daily habits, and allow you to go back and review what has transpired in your life. Look for the positive things, and make note of the things that you would like to change.
Breakfast Leadership offers therapy and coaching to help people navigate through their burnout. Schedule a free, no obligation call to discuss your burnout, and let’s get you back to the life you want and deserve!