Apart from the things that we can see, hear, smell, and touch, there are also stuff that is unseen and unknown such as the psychic energy and paranormal beings.

Do you think these are strange and ludicrous? Think Again! Statistics have shown that people actually believe in these things.

Strange as they might seem, here are a few things that people actually believe in…

Psychic Phenomena can actually occur

Many intellectuals might see psychic phenomena as superstitious nonsense. Yet many concepts of cosmology and quantum physics have shown that such phenomena actually occur.

A 2002 survey of 861 US Adults had revealed a few facts…

57% believe that psychic phenomena occur

50% are sure there is something called Extra Sensory Perception

16% have actually experienced ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) and telepathy

Psychics can genuinely heal people through their psychic energy

The power of psychic energy is said to have treated the psychological issues of a number of individuals, helping them validate their feelings, accept their losses, and reveal possibilities. Although effective in treating subjective symptoms, the psychic therapy has so far not been able to treat objectively measured symptoms. Nevertheless, a lot depends on the subject’s belief in the treatment. Psychic healing therefore has to be regarded, with certain amount of skepticism.

As per an infographic of the Psychic Guild, at least 27% Britons have consulted a psychic at some point in their life. 57% of these believed that the psychics were truthful to them.

54% are of the opinion that the human mind has the power to heal the body

14% believe that psychics actually have the ability to contact the dead and predict the future.

As per reports even the U.S. Government and CIA have tried to harness the power of psychic energy to gain an edge over their enemies. They have collected information on nearby hostile forces, nuclear/non-nuclear targets and science and technology of their enemies through the help of psychics.

God exists and has super natural healing powers

Those who have embraced the unknown will agree that there is a mystic energy that surrounds the atmosphere around us. Whether you call this God or some super natural power, it has found a lot of uses in the psychic phenomena.

Most Americans believe in the healing power derived from the psychic and spiritual worlds. As per the infographic of psychic guild,

80% Americans strongly believe in the existence of God

66% believe in the supernatural powers of God that can physically heal people

Ghosts can actually come back

For most of us ghosts are only characters of stories that seem terrifying. However, there are many who have actually seen and experienced ghosts. Here are a few statistics from the infographics of psychic guild…

38% strongly believe that if the conditions are right, ghosts and spirits of the dead can actually come back.

While 16% are a bit unsure, 42% believe that houses can actually be haunted by ghosts and spirits.

Paranormal beings exist

Pixies, ogres, elves… you may have seen many of them in the movies. But many actually believe that these cryptids are all around us. The unseen elves are said to be located in Iceland while it is said that the pine barrens of southern New Jersey is home for the Jersey Devil. If you are lucky (or unlucky) you may even find a Wendigo in the forests of the great lakes region in Canada and Minnesota.

There are more such beliefs that might come across as shocking to most of us. It is tough to say whether these are real or not; but these beliefs are creating an undeniable increase in the psychic trend.