If you’re finding yourself feeling unmotivated and lethargic right now then you’re definitely not alone. The past 18 months have been a roller coaster ride for us all with lockdowns, restrictions, uncertainty, and lack of social activities and contact, and it’s had a major impact on our mental health. We’ve been living in unprecedented times and it’s definitely taken its toll, and even though we’re beginning to see some light at the end of a very long tunnel, for many there’s still a dark cloud affecting our mood. The good news is that there are some simple things you can do each day to start breaking through that dark cloud and it all starts with what you wear. You see, clothes don’t just affect the way we look, they also have the ability to change how we feel when we’re wearing them. They can make us feel confident and professional, they can make us feel strong and sexy, and they can also make us feel happy and energized when we make the right choices. So if you’re ready to boost your mood and get back your pre-pandemic mojo then I’ve got some simple style tricks that are guaranteed to help.
1. Get Dressed – There is the temptation when we are spending time at home, whether it be working from home or simply having a day off, to stay in our PJs and slippers. And while this is okay once in a while or when we’re feeling under the weather, it’s not a habit we should get into. We associate our PJs with sleep and low energy activities, so when we wear them that’s exactly how we feel, tired and lethargic. Even if you simply throw on some leggings and a hoodie or jeans and a t-shirt you’ll actually get an energy boost and feel a little more motivated during the day.
2. Throw on some sneakers – Sneakers are associated with exercise, movement, and energy, and even if you’re not an athlete or haven’t seen the inside of a gym in years, wearing them can actually make you feel more athletic and make you move more. Think about the way you walk in house slippers, chances are you shuffle more than walk and there’s very little bounce in your step. Now think about how you walk in sneakers. Chances are you take bigger, more pronounced steps, and probably even bounce a little. That extra bounce is an instant energy and mood booster so switch out the slippers and put on those sneakers to add a spring to your step.
3. Wear your favorite outfit – We’ve all got that one outfit that makes us feel amazing when we wear it. Maybe it’s a pair of skinny jeans with a sequin top, or maybe it’s that go-to little black dress that makes you look like a million dollars. Whatever outfit, or clothing item that makes you feel amazing, go throw it on! Even if you have nowhere special to go, put it on! Wearing something that makes you look fabulous is going to make you feel fabulous too so it’s a simple way to boost your mood and overcome those lockdown blues.
4. Add some color – Color has a strong psychological connection and it has the ability to elicit specific responses and feelings in the person viewing it and the person wearing it. As a stylist, I often use color with my clients to help them send a message to other people but I also use it to help them feel a specific way. When someone needs to feel creative and energized then the perfect color choices are yellow or orange. These colors are associated with energy, happiness, creativity and by wearing them you can feel all of those things. So brighten up your day and your mood by adding some color to your outfits.
5. Add a touch of glam – It may have been some time since you’ve had a night on the town, but try and remember how it felt to get glammed up. Putting on make-up, doing your hair, throwing on a fabulous pair of shoes, all these things can make us feel more positive and hopeful, and more energized. Now, I’m not suggesting you sit around the house in full make-up or have a blow-out for a work from home day, but try picking one or two things that make you feel fabulous and use it as a daily mood booster. Maybe put on your favorite lipstick or wear a bold necklace or earrings, you might even think about stepping into those fabulous leopard print shoes that are stuck in the back of the closet. Whatever you decide, use that touch of glam to boost your mood and get you ready to face whatever the day may bring.
Start thinking about your clothes as a happy pill on a hanger and get a quick and easy mood boost each and every day.