Recently, we have witnessed the burgeoning numbers of Coronavirus cases in New York City, around the country and around the world. We have seen unemployment in the US rise to over 3.5 million. We are facing a human crisis that has not given us the time to prepare or anticipate neither has it given us the choice to adapt slowly. We have had a lot to process individually and collectively as we have shifted so many activities in our daily lives, finding creative ways to make them function from home.
As we transition in this new reality, one of the most underreported diseases out there is mental health and that is especially true in the startup community. Founders and entrepreneurs get affected much more than they are going to be willing to admit. In challenging times there is a need for people to communicate more, as it is a very subconscious thing and at a very personal level.
Every CEO, whether a solopreneur, running a team of five or five hundred employees will feel the threat to communicate freely and publicly about the insecurities that are unique to their business or personal life.
As a founder and somebody who looks at a team as a family, we have to take an extra effort to amplify the communication and well-being of our teams. In times of crisis we feel responsible for them to a point where we forget to manage our own fears and anxiety.
Here are some things to remember as we practice care for ourselves as individuals, our families, and our communities through the next few months:
1. Social distancing is not an act of disconnection.
We should be cautious about our physical distancing. Socially, we should come closer, even though physically we might not be able to. A daily sync up with our friends, without specific agenda, while catching with old friends that we have had the time to connect with, could be a great way to overcome these times of isolation.
2. Each week comes with its new challenge.
When we are less physically active, bringing our mind to new heights of focus is the most satisfying way to surpass the frustration of feeling stuck in our life. Setting ourselves up for success now, is a great way to feel back in control of our businesses. Success is about knowing in which direction we are heading, but it is also about our capacity to put one foot in front of the other. There is no such a thing as succeeding a good year without understanding the notion of succeeding a good week.
3. Feeling part of a tribe can be of a great emotional support.
Now is the time to choose who we want in our life. There is no better remedy to negativity than cleaning off the people who constantly try to put us down. To give ourselves the chance to bring more positive individuals in our life, we have to stay active in networks that bring us enough diversity outside our own industry, religion, race or social class. An essential part of our freedom to create unique personalities and projects is to evolve in an ecosystem that has enough resourceful people that share our values but have their own thoughts and skills to complement ours.
4. We can’t do it all, but we can connect with what is useful for us.
There’s a massive amount of data and we get to a point where nothing else can be processed, even if we want to. We must let go of what we keep holding onto that serves no purpose in our life, so that it doesn’t overload and overwhelm us. As too much information kills the information and gives us subconscious anxiety.
5. Everyone is at a different level of acceptance in embracing this and seeing it as an opportunity for individual self-care.
Use this time not to judge, but to practice patience. Patience is the ultimate act of love, and by practicing it, you’re investing drops into the bucket of the relationship’s future – with yourself and others.
Mayshad Choice is a powerful ecosystem that supports women through their career and personal development. You can participate in our live digital conversations, workshops, and connect to our resourceful network at, where memberships start at $490 per year.