By Greg Prasker, Spiritual Badasses
I hated life so much that I tried to end it.
So I get it. I’ve been there.
Sure. You’re alive. But are you actually living?
Perhaps you’ve accepted the fact you have anxiety…or depression…or anger…or fears…or insecurities. Maybe a combo of all.
Are you actually living a life of joy, freedom, abundance and purpose?
Unfortunately, most people aren’t.
It seems easier to say ‘life stinks” as opposed to “life is amazing.” Until we are up in age looking back asking ourselves where we went wrong.
I was there. 8 years ago after being on a plethora of anti-depressants, benzodiazapines, sleeping pills and amphetamines, I tried to take my own life. I took a handful of pills, got in a car accident and finally “woke up.”
I started meeting new people who were actually happy. Prior to that I truly believed I was just an unhappy person and that was that. The thing I realized is that happiness is a right, not a privilege. We all deserve happiness.
So how did I do it and how am I so happy and positive now getting to help others do the same? I’m glad you asked. Here are 5 ways I completely shifted my life to one of joy, freedom, abundance and purpose?
1. Hypnosis
Hypnosis was the absolute foundation of my “rebirth.” Hypnosis is a beautifully powerful modality that helps us go deep into the subconscious and make lasting changes that free us from the past.
What I came to realize back then is that most mainstream modalities and treatments work on the symptoms of what we are going through, symptoms like anxiety, depression, anger and self-esteem issues. The problem is treating the symptom is only masking our issues by putting a temporary band-aid on but not actually going to the root.
Everything comes from something, and that something is always from a time period of when we are in the womb to 7 years of age. This is before our subconscious starts locking in our beliefs while our mind is the most impressionable.
While working with hypnosis, I was able to access the actual roots of my issues and make changes from then on. I realized my insecurities came from being a sick child and being “different” than everyone else. I even realized my money blocks came from my parents having normal parent arguments about money.
After getting off all of the medication and actually clearing the slate, life got better and better and continues to do so every single day. This is why I became a hypnotist so I can help others going through the same. I believe we go through what we go through so we can help others going through the same.
2. Treating Your Body Like a Temple
You may not know this but our gut is our second brain. 90% of serotonin produced in our body comes from the gut. So why is serotonin so important? Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that stabilizes our mood and promotes overall happiness and well-being.
So how could I be happy while eating tons of processed foods which are destroying my gut? I knew changing my diet was just as important as hypnosis because if my body wasn’t properly producing the molecule that helps my mood, there was no way I can feel happy regularly.
It definitely wasn’t easy or instant but hypnosis helped me get through it. I started giving up item after item that I loved to eat. I gave up eating GMO’s and any food made from ingredients that sounded like it was made in a lab. I started eating more whole foods and over the years even went Vegan.
Look…I’m not perfect. I still eat something not great for me from time to time but it doesn’t affect me like it used to because my body is much more clean. I am no longer feeling bloated after everything I eat and drink. Probiotics helped as well to rebuild my gut.
Bottom line, its 2021 and there are plenty of delicious healthy food options and recipes to help you treat your body like the temple it is.
3. Give Up Sugar
Did you know that humans are consuming 46% more sugar every day per person than they were 30 years ago? Did you also know that sugar is 8 times as addictive as cocaine? So how does sugar affect our happiness and overall well being?
I’m sure we’ve all been there. After that “amazing” sugar high, we all of a sudden go through the crash. Our energy and mood spike up then down. The sugar high in itself can greatly add to anxiety symptoms like panic while the crash can cause lethargy, worry and fear.
Sugar also causes inflammation which is behind many of our issues such as depression and insomnia. Chronic inflammation impacts every system in the body and since our diets, especially here in the United States are so high in sugar, we are fighting our own well-being with sugar intake.
4. Grounding and Meditation
Daily self-care is just as important as the deeper healing work. We all need maintenance and to go into every day aligned and centered which is why grounding and meditation has been so powerful for me and most others.
It’s kind of in our nature as humans to live in our heads. We are constantly worrying about the future instead of staying present. Most of what we worry about rarely ever comes to fruition anyway so what’s the point? The practice or grounding helps me be more in my heart than in my head which is a beautiful place to be.
As far as meditation, there are so many different types and ways to go about it. What meditation does for me is it also helps me calm down that monkey mind and find more of a flow state of being. I start my day with a Ho’oponopono prayer meditation which is all about gratitude and forgiveness. It helps shift the outside world by healing within and the mantra is…”I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” It has been truly life changing.
5. Sound and Energy Healing
We are all energy. This isn’t just “woo-woo spiritual” but it’s actually science. Everything, including us, vibrate at specific frequencies. Even emotions and illnesses vibrate at certain frequencies. One of the biggest keys to living an amazing life is keeping your vibration as high as possible.
As you could imagine, emotions like sadness, anger and fear all vibrate very low while happiness and confidence are of a much higher vibration. Using different frequencies throughout my day with sound healing, I’m able to make instant shifts from low to high. I even do free live sound baths on Facebook, Instagram and Clubhouse using instruments like gongs, singing bowls and tuning forks to not only help raise vibrations but to take individuals on a deep journey into self to work on things like self-love, inner child and cutting cords. And everytime I perform I get to experience the magic as well so win-win.
Sound healing isn’t just for the emotional body as it helps remove blockages and stagnant energy that is probably holding you back. Chances are you have probably heard of Reiki which helps move through these blocks as well. Reiki is actually universal divine energy moving through me into whoever I am working with whether it be an individual or a group. It’s been one of the most powerful modalities I’ve ever come across and use it on a daily basis.
I want to finish with this: I am no stronger or more special than anyone else out there. I just decided years ago that I refuse to live a stressed out life lacking things like true love, amazing relationships and even wealth. I realized that I deserve to live an amazing life and dedicated myself to building just that…a life of joy, freedom, abundance and purpose. If I can do it, so can you. I’m living proof.
Greg Prasker is a Sovereign Empowerment Coach who assists growth minded individuals through their personal and spiritual development journey. Using Sound Healing, Reiki Breathwork, Hypnosis and Channeling, he helps amazing Spiritual Badasses transform their pain and suffering into freedom, abundance joy & purpose. Follow him on Instagram, Youtube, and Clubhouse. [email protected]
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