Stop thinking about how to gain more muscle in less time and write down these 5 tips explained one by one and in detail by a Reda Elmardi . Nobody better than him to talk to you about hypertrophy.

In fact, for Jim White, ex-bodybuilder and nutritionist, “diet is the cornerstone of building lean muscle.” “If the protein is not there, your muscles will not grow. If the carbohydrates are not there, you will feel weak. And if the fats are not there, your health is going to suffer,” he defends. His case: From being a slim guy to gaining muscle after starting to eat six times a day, taking in up to 3,500 calories a day and experimenting with the percentages of macronutrients until you find your sweet spot. So his energy skyrocketed, over the years he gained 30 kilos of lean muscle and a lot more strength.

So take good note of these 5 tips, especially related to nutrition:

1- eat more protein

Muscle grows after training with food and rest. After stressing the muscle, make sure you get enough protein: its amino acids go straight to the muscle, rebuilding it, and protein synthesis repairs it and makes it grow. In addition, they help to produce hormones such as insulin and growth hormone. While the daily amount of protein Recommended is 0.8 grams per kilo of body weight, double it. That’s the maximum amount your body can store according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. A man weighing 200 pounds, for example, should consume about 160 grams of protein, the equivalent of 225 grams of chicken breast, a cup of cottage cheese, a roast beef sandwich, two eggs, a glass of milk and 50 grams of peanut butter.

2- Consume more calories

If you train with weights, don’t eat like a person who doesn’t and your goal is to lose weight. That is, gaining muscle forces you to consume around 2,800 calories a day, so you’re going to have to eat a lot … In White’s case, it reached 3,000 and divided them into several servings a day.

3- Eat every 3 hours approximately

By spreading all those calories over six meals and every 3 hours or so, you will avoid the feeling of feeling heavy and full after a large meal. In addition, you will ensure that your body has carbohydrates and proteins constantly and that intense exercise does not fatigue you excessively. Have about 30 grams of protein at each meal.

4- Find a correct combination of macros

Protein is essential, but carbohydrates and good fats are too. A correct combination will help you gain weight and muscle, but not fat. A recommended ratio would be: 50 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent protein, and 25 percent fat.

5- Stay hydrated

Poor hydration will make you more fatigued during training and decrease your performance. A study that appeared in the Journal Applied Physiology found that poorly hydrated bodybuilders produced more cortisol, the stress hormone, and reduced the release of testosterone.
