If I said it in a nutshell, trees are the lungs of our planet. No creature can survive without them. But what it has to do with employee engagement and how it can benefit your workplace?
Well, let’s first find out the benefits of employee engagement.
Benefits of Employee Engagement
Planting trees can engage employees in a different and unique way, especially during this tough time of COVID 19. While social distancing is still advised in many countries, we make racing and taking part in community challenges possible with our digital solution.
To keep yourself and your employees encouraged and motivated, offer them virtual high exercises and tasks like cleaning trash, planting trees, or any other activity. After that ask them t to share a selfie of them so you can keep track of them. For example, if your office had a yard, you can ask them to prune trees and share their progress day by day or in weekly reports.
I know you’ll be thinking, I can hire an individual or a company such as Emondage Beloeil for this. Why would I ask my employees to do this job? Well, there’s a simple answer to this. it’ll help them perform a completely different task from their daily life and it gives them a new experience in life, which all of us enjoyed.
A workplace with higher employee engagement and enjoyment will have a massive increase in productivity, less burnout, and happier employees. Which turns out to more quality work, happier customers, and more revenue.
Let’s see why only trees? Why not other activities?
Benefits of Planting Trees
There’s no doubt that trees are the most important thing on our planet. Without it, no living being can survive. Forests provide us the air we breathe, they help us with biodiversity and a decrease in climate change as well.
We need tress as much as our body needs water. When we go out in nature, being around trees, it helps us feel more relaxed and allows the sick to recover fast. Tress also used in improving such area environment, architecture, and design.
Trees have massive health and communal benefits and the list doesn’t stop here. There are hundreds of other benefits and important roles of trees in our daily life which we don’t even know about.
I think these are enough reasons to make you believe that why getting your employees in such activating is good and how it can be engaging for them.
So, without getting into more detail about the trees, let’s find out how they can help in employee engagement and why you should allow your employees to participate in such activities to fight burnout and have a good work-life.
1. Choose Your Tree Planting Project
You have to choose the activities and the features in your virtual (tree planting) campaign. You can set a goal of planting 100 trees to 10,000 trees, or as much as they want to plant in a given deadline. You can also select a location where the trees are going to plant.
By doing this, you’ll have a better idea of your campaign, and keeping a track of them will be easy for you as well.
If you want your employees to help the American, Asian, and African regions, you can try One Tree Planted, to make it happen. By offering this to your employees, you’ll make them a part of the global cause by helping thousands of other people around the world.
2. Set Your Donation Amount
While starting, make sure you set up the duration for the challenge (depends on your target duration) and the donation amount that you choose. You can get some medals or awards like this to give to the winner after the challenge ends.
3. Invite Your Employees
Once the challenge is set up, invite your employees to participate in it. You can use collaboration tools like atlasGO or any other to run the campaign exclusively.
4. Choose Your Activities
While starting the challenge, keep a list of what activities to focus on and the type of activity you want them to engage in. These virtual challenges are not just about running, biking, or walking but a multitude of activities such as gardening, meditation, or even volunteering.
5. Give them Rewards
Once the challenge has been finished, you have to choose your winner. It depends on the rules your set for the challenge. If that’ll be a combined task and requires your whole team to work as one – give them a reward according to that. Or, if that was a competition between teams (which plant more), you have to set different rewards for them.
The focus of this article is to engage your employee’s in a whole new way and help in a global cause as well. Participating in tree planting campaigns or challenges will help reforest different parts of the world, and it’ll improve working relationships and therefore increase productivity. It’ll be a whale new experience for your employees and maybe your stakeholders too. Let us know what’d you think of this employee engagement strategy and the tips mentioned in this article.