5 easy tips to help you be productive whilst working from home!
Like many of us, I have been working from home since the beginning of March. I did struggle to find a clear routine at the beginning, however, by creating a routine I feel I am more productive. Below are tips which have helped me:
- Have your breaks!
Don’t forget to have your breaks, this will break up your day and refresh your mind. Have your 10am coffee break, have your lunch and stretch your legs. You deserve and need it!
- Wear makeup!
There’s no pressure and if you don’t like makeup or wear makeup that’s ok. I love makeup (its therapeutic and art to me) and getting ready for me was mentally preparing to go into work and start the day. I have continued to wear makeup at home, although this has been scaled back to mascara, concealer, little blush and lipstick. I feel it has helped me to feel like I am ready to start my day in the morning.
- Dress up!
I admit I am still wearing sweatpants or leggings, however I wear presentable tops or blouses. For my job I have to carry out video conferences with my colleagues on a daily basis. Whilst they can’t see what I’m wearing head to toe, I try to look presentable from the top.
- Listen to music!
I am used to working in an open plan office and used to bouncing off colleagues. I have found working from home too quiet. Depending on the mood, I am either blasting music or playing this in the background, especially if I need to concentrate.
- Create your work heaven!
Whether it’s a corner in your bedroom, the spare room or the kitchen, create your mini office. Have your pen holder, your office mug and desk lamp. Make it your own with crystals, motivational posters or a mini zen garden. Do what you need to make it a place where you can focus and go to. This will you mentally prepare and get you ready to work when you sit at your home desk.