Love is a feeling but a relationship sparks a deeper connection. You become used to the person you love, being around you. His/her omnipresence in your life gives you a sense of comfort, control and belonging. But not all relationships last. Differences can certainly arise and they can make you drift away from your partner to the extent that leaving them is the only option left available.
However leaving someone you loved is not an easy Passover. You had spent wonderful times with each other and long after the person is gone from your life, the memories languish in your mind, making you feel hurt and dejected.
A part of you feels empty and alone. You get detached from your surroundings and numbness engulfs you as you no longer have that person around you that you valued so highly.
Breakups are painful, especially when you were with your partner for a long time. We never go into relationships wanting them to end but there are always things that are going to be out of your control.
It’s normal to grieve for a while as you take your time accepting what has happened but at some point you’re going to have to pull yourself together because the longer you spend your time sulking over what transpired, the harder it will be to pull yourself out of this quagmire.
While getting out of your post breakup blues is an incredibly difficult undertaking, here are 5 ways to ease the post-breakup blues that will certainly prove to be helpful in bringing you back from the brink:
1) Solo Travel:
A change of scenes and atmosphere is always a good idea, to begin with.
Want to distance yourself from all things that remind you of your ‘EX’? There’s no better way than to pack your bags and leave the city for a bit. Traveling solo pushes you out of your comfort zone in ways that traveling with loved ones cannot – it’s liberating.
Heading out to a foreign, unfamiliar land will test you and give you an awareness of your strength. Being uncomfortable allows you to dig deep and work up the confidence to persevere.
When you’re traveling alone, you aren’t going to care about eating alone at a restaurant. You’re not going to be hesitant to walk up to strangers for help and you won’t shy away from hitting tourist spots on your own. As you learn to navigate through the streets of an unfamiliar land, you’ll teach yourself to be independent again.
Did you doubt your abilities to be by yourself? Don’t! As you are going to be just fine!
Depending on what types of places you enjoy, choose from a destination that is within your budget and is safe to be walking around alone in.
2) Talk to Someone:
You’re in desperate need for some clarity post-breakup. The cogs in your brain are spinning and you spend hours of your day wondering what went wrong and is there light at the end of this bleak tunnel?
To help you work through your emotions, you may need to turn to someone else; this can be anyone, from a trusted loved one or a therapist.
But your close acquaintances don’t always provide an unbiased perspective. A therapist on the other hand, can help you decipher many unresolved issues. Therapists will identify your flaws and tell you how to overcome them, helping you grow into a better a person – something we all can benefit from.
If you can’t commit to therapy, try talking to someone else.
Even psychic love readings can come in incredibly handy in these sorts of situations as they can tell you what lies ahead for you, which is the exact type of reassurance that you need to get your confidence in your future.
But whether you go for a therapist, a psychic reading, or even if you just talk to a friend, let yourself flow through those conversations as when you open up, you often find that you already knew the answer all along and you just needed a push to get to it.
3) Clear Out Your Wardrobe:
Reinventing yourself post-breakup is the one of the best ways of letting go of the past. Of course, working through your emotions and becoming a stronger person will help you heal emotionally but so will changing yourself physically.
You won’t be in the highest spirits post-breakup and this is when you get to use retail therapy to lift your mood. Buy yourself some bright, maxi-dresses or a new pair of high-waisted shorts or a new suit that you always wanted. Clothes have a way of influencing your thought processes; dressing well and getting compliments will also boost your spirits.
4) Pamper Yourself:
Your focus should be on bringing peace to your mind. Getting a massage or facial will relax your mind, body and soul. Studies have found that a good massage therapy can reduce anxiety and improve your mood significantly – just what you need after a breakup.
If you don’t have the cash to be indulging in expensive spa treatments or other similar indulgences, then look up some DIY treatments that you can do in the comfort of your house. You may not be able to give yourself a massage but you can always draw yourself a relaxing bath with the perfect blend of essential oils to calm your nerves.
5) Get Out Of The House:
Sitting on the couch and binge watching Netflix is fine for a week or two but after that you HAVE to stop.
Escaping reality, being bungled up in your bedroom while watching TV shows and gulping down junk food is helpful for a while but then it needs to stop because all you’re doing is running away from your problems, which never helps.
Yes whatever happened was awful and it definitely hurts but now you need to get yourself together and move past it. Ask yourself what you’re getting by obsessing over it. Is it fixing anything? No, it isn’t.
Make a conscious effort to get up and move on. This includes forcing yourself to get out of the house. It’s easy to play victim – don’t be one.
Get up early in the morning, go for a run, make yourself a delicious breakfast, do some home cardio to rejuvenate your fitness levels and just get out of the house. This could mean hanging around with your friends or just sitting in the park to read a book. You need to give your head some space to reorganize its thoughts so get yourself out in the open, soak in some sun, feel the breeze against your face.
You need to learn to be content with yourself and for that you need to learn to enjoy your own company.