If you have already started your business creation for a few weeks, you must have already realized it: morale fluctuates more than quickly. No, you did not suddenly become bipolar (whatever): it is now your daily life to manage the emotional lift of launching a box. Welcome to what is called the ”  Startup Roller-Coaster “, or the roller coaster of entrepreneurship.

A call from a prospect that is going well, first client, arguing with a possible partner, discovery of a competitor, negative feedback from a funder, unforeseen expense, questioning by a relative of the merits of the project, loss of mobile phone, headaches with those around him (but when will you have a real job?), article in a newspaper, peak in visits, delay in development … a little nothing can put an end to a good period of your project just as that can launch you into full euphoria …

In short, it will be sport. Here are 5 ways to protect yourself a little or to relativize these increases and these decreases in morale:

  • talk to those around you: we often tend to isolate ourselves a little, especially when things are less well, to ruminate in our corner. It is essential that your very close entourage (spouse, best friend (s), parents, brothers and sisters …) be able to follow the different phases of your project to encourage you and at least play the role sympathetic ear. Do not exclude them especially!
  • hang on to the vision: think long term, try to take a step back. Yes, some little things and other everyday addicts are annoying. But the important thing is that despite the setbacks (and there will always be some), the project is progressing overall. Keep the motivation of the finality of the project, and take the obstacles as so many chances to harden you and get closer to the final goal.
  • playing sport: extended hours, inability to really “cut” … you quickly become a little stupid spending all your time thinking about your project. Especially since we quickly begin to compensate on food and alcohol (especially social), to shift con sleep, not to really rest. Having a regular sporting activity (running, football, boxing…) is both a way to keep in shape but also to clear your head and improve your recovery. Healthy soul in a healthy body , in a way …
  • have “something other than the project” to take a step back and take your mind off things: same as before, it is not necessarily a bad idea to spend a few hours a week on something other than your project. Involvement in an association, drawing or music lessons, theatre( Kissanime ) troupe … the alternatives are numerous and it is not impossible that in addition, by changing the framework, you have good ideas to unblock the problems encountered in your project by entertaining yourself on AnimeSprout.
  • having a partner: this is undoubtedly the best way to limit the effects of increases or decreases in morale … indeed, together, we are also more able to support the other, and to compensate by being the one who pulls the group when morale is low. And then it allows above all to talk about what weighs on the atmosphere or motivation, and by talking about it to already solve part of the problem …

And you, what is the “little (or big eh) thing” that weighed down your morale or on the contrary boosted you?
How do you manage this Roller-Coaster?