Admit it: today it is inevitable not to feel stress or anxiety. We are constantly hearing terrible news, we are stuck in traffic, in a demanding job or with concerns about money. Many times, these types of concerns give rise to more serious things like depression, panic attacks and diseases.
Although there are medicines and remedies to control this, why not better choose to use natural remedies? You may be familiar with any of these methods. Maybe you already practice some. Read on to learn 5 ways to control stress and anxiety naturally.
1. Meditation
One of the best ways to relax and get away from the stress of daily life is through meditation. For thousands of years, meditation has been used by many people to improve mood, have more health and lead a healthy lifestyle. There are studies that have proven the benefits of meditation in the body. For example, meditation helps lower blood pressure, relieve pain and improve cognitive performance. The best? You can do it anytime, anywhere. You just need to be in a comfortable place, sit on your feet or lie down (the bad thing is that you could fall asleep), close your eyes, start breathing deeplyand put the mind blank. For many this is more complicated than it seems and, therefore, if you have never meditated, we recommend you start with guided meditations. This way you will hear a voice that will be telling you how to breathe, what to think and how to relax. You just need to do it 10 minutes a day to get started. After a while, you will see how it is easier for you and you can do it alone and for longer. Try it!
2. Yoga
Another natural way to relax is to exercise or yoga. As you know, exercising releases endorphins , the hormones associated with good mood and that generate a pleasant sensation. According to some studies, doing yoga has the same benefits: strengthening and improving the sleep cycle, improving the connection of the body with the soul , eliminating pain, generating a feeling of love to the body and controlling anxiety. If you are going through a bad time, you are very stressed or you feel anxiety, we recommend you to do yoga (or some other type of exercise) and avoid at all costs staying at home to suffer from your problems.The worst thing you can do in those moments is to think about your problems. Get out. Exercise. Start practicing yoga. You will see how soon you will feel better.
3. Write It
may sound cheesy, but having a diary is an excellent option to eliminate anxiety and stress. When you have the practice of writing in a diary before bed, you begin to be more aware of your emotions (negative and positive) and identify why you are feeling this way. Also, having a diary helps you stay organized and commit to doing something new. Once you start writing how you feel, what your problems are, why you feel this way, etc., you will have a better vision of how to solve your problems and feel less anxiety. You will also realize that writing everyday relaxes you and helps you get your worries out when you put them on paper. Try it for a couple of weeks. You will see how later you cannot stop doing it and you will simplify many of your problems.
4. Walk in Green
Planting a beautiful garden can be a great way to relieve stress. … However, gardening clearly has a positive impact on stress as well as mood and isn’t always thought of as the go-to stress relief activity that reading is, and perhaps it deserves a little more attention as a stress relief option.
Finally, at the landscape level, natural pools are much better integrated into the garden environment than conventional pools.
Do not you think, after knowing these advantages, that natural pools are a good option to have in homes ?. We also tell you that a conventional pool can be transformed into a natural one without any problem. We are specialists in making such changes.
5. Essential oils
Like meditation, natural essential oils have been used for thousands of years for many things. In this case, we want you to know the best essential oils to reduce anxiety and stress. Being 100% natural, using them is an excellent idea to relax. Whether you buy them to put them on your temple, use them during meditation, or use them in a bath, essential oils can become your best ally to relax. In addition, you can take them in your bag or have them in the car to use when you need them most.
We recommend the following:
- Lavender essential oil: It is one of the most common, especially for its power against anxiety and for relaxation. Its benefits include relaxing muscles, helping to sleep, helping to control panic attacks and improving digestion.
- Chamomile essential oil: The smell is super relax and helps relax the mind, avoiding negative thoughts and maintaining harmony. There are studies that say that chamomile can work as an antidepressant. *
- Vetiver essential oil: Another well known oil for relaxation, has been used in people who have suffered trauma, relaxes the nervous system, serves to control panic attacks and creates a sense of tranquility and stability.
6. Nutritious diet
As for everything, eating a balanced diet is super important to reduce stress and anxiety. When under stress and anxiety, most people have cravings for processed products and refined sugars. Eating this type of food usually makes you feel good for a couple of hours , helping you feel more energy. The bad thing is when after a few hours, this feeling disappears and you come back to feel terrible. We recommend you then eat foods high in vitamin B, calcium, magnesium and omega 3. It includes salmon, green vegetables, nuts, protein, olive oil, coconut oil and avocado.These foods will help you improve your mood, eliminate anxiety and improve concentration. When you are very anxious, try to avoid stimulants such as coffee and alcohol.