Success looks different for everyone. For a CEO, success may mean increasing revenue, hiring more employees, and being recognized by prominent companies in the industry. For a mom, success may look like having intentional time with every child, creating nourishing meals that feed the family, and finding time throughout the day to find peace and quiet. Although success metrics are different, measures of joy are often similar. Joy is much different than happiness. Happiness is a fleeting feeling that results from an enjoyable experience or meaningful moment. Joy is an undeniable belief that regardless of your circumstances, you are thankful and appreciative of the life that you are living. Joy is a quality that is both learned and practiced. In this article, we will share six perspectives that are held by many joyful people.

1. Balance Is Impossible

Everyone is striving to find balance in their work, personal life, and relationships. As counterintuitive as it seems, having a completely balanced life is impossible. As humans, we are constantly juggling many different responsibilities. When work is going well, we feel that we are missing out on social activities. When our home life is thriving, we are worried that we are letting others down at work. This imbalance is okay. When our life seems off balance, we are forced to consider the things that matter most in our day to day lives. Rather than striving to engage in perfect balance, prioritize a list of the things that are most important to you. As long as you are satisfied with the way that you are engaging with your top three priorities, all other things will slowly fall into place.

2. Don’t Forget About Yourself

To be joyful, you must have the energy to appreciate the things that are happening around you. When you do not take care of yourself, it is easy to be negative and critical. When you prioritize quality sleep,  you will see your attitude shift drastically. Women and sleep apnea are a common combination that we see in today’s society. Since sleep is vital to well-being, it is important to find ways to manage this discomfort. In addition to sleep, many people do not protect their diet or exercise regimens when times get busy. When you let your physical well-being fall to the wayside, you cannot be the best version of yourself.

3. Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

Although it is important to feel emotions and lament about current events, it is increasingly important to enjoy life. When we focus on the news, it is easy to be pessimistic, critical, and paranoid. Rather than dwelling on the things that are out of your control, think about ways that you can bring joy to other people in your life. When you embrace the adventure that life has to offer, you will experience higher levels of joy.

4. Don’t Forget What You Set Out to Do

When we are energized, it is easy to set goals and aspirations for the future. Within weeks, or even hours, we lose our desire to accomplish our dreams in the future. As the Peloton instructor, Jess Sims, says, “Don’t forget your goals just because you get tired.” When we are tired, we often sacrifice long-term goals for short-term comfort. During your worst days, remember the things that you want to accomplish.

5. Practice Thankfulness

Unfortunately, everyone experiences ups and downs. Although some people are in challenging seasons while others are in lifegiving seasons, it is important to prioritize thankfulness. No matter how difficult life is, there are things to be thankful for. From friends to flowers to life itself, it is important that we do not take life for granted. By practicing gratitude each day, we will begin to see the glass half full rather than the glass half empty.

6. Remember Your Purpose

Behind every goal is a purpose. There is a reason you want to run a marathon. There is a reason why you want to be a kinder dad. No matter what your desires and goals are, they were created from a central purpose. It is important that you reflect on your purpose and ambition on a regular basis. Whether you want to feel healthier or provide comfort to people that you love, your purpose is the driving force behind all of your actions. By remembering your purpose and channeling your mental energy, you will be a huge inspiration to the people in your life.


Life can be incredibly challenging. Even if we look like we have it all figured out, we often fight mental battles. Each and every day, it is important to acknowledge the realities of life while choosing to find joy and gratitude in each moment. When you take care of yourself, you have a greater capacity to care for the people around you.


  • A digital nomad and an internet entrepreneur with a thirst for food and travel.