You’ve been looking for work or are looking to get out of a job that you hate.  An offer comes along and your first impulse is to go for it.  It seems, what you are offered is better than where you are right now.  Not so fast though.  It is not always in your best interests to accept every job offer that comes your way.  Instead of moving you ahead, accepting a job offer that isn’t right for you may actually set you back.  Before you jump at the offer, there are some serious considerations. 

7 serious considerations before you accept a job offer:

Will it Move Me in the Direction of My Goals and What I Want?

People take jobs for many wrong reasons; more money, to get away from a job they hate or they just need something to get them away from where they are.  We need to look at our goals and passions and see if the job will result in moving me closer to my dreams or passions or away from them. It may not be the dream job, but there needs to be a connection to where we are headed.  If not, we could be wasting valuable time that will set us back from reaching our destination.  When it comes to accepting a job, we need to be able to step back from all of the information, emotion and any confusion to think critically and come to the best answer/result.

Outlandish Promises Made by the Employer

Beware of an employer that makes promises that sound too good to be true and out of bounds for what an organization such as theirs could reasonably provide.  Flattery might be good for our egos, but if it they are making it sound like you are the best thing that ever happened to their organization, our BS detectors should go off. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.  Be careful and aware when the employer talks about the potential of making money, advancement and training.  Question to see how many employees have been able to reach the level the employer is dangling in front of you. 

The Organization Has a High Turnover

If we find out that the company has a high staff turnover, our radar should be on full alert.  See if you can find out information from former employees and during the interview always ask about the last person that held the position.  High staff turnover could mean a negative or even toxic company culture which you do not want to have any part of.  If in doubt, check it out.

The Organization is Viewed Negatively in Their Industry and Community

How is the organization viewed by others in the same industry and what kind of a reputation do they have in the community?  Have they been involved in an unusually large number of lawsuits? Ask people in the community who have had dealings with the company and contemplate their opinion.  Customers and suppliers are a good source of information.  Do they belong to associations within the industry and are they involved in supporting the communities in which they are located? We will be associated by others with the organization that we are working for, so it important that we believe in and stand behind them.

Unprofessional Behaviour

Is the employer late for the interview?  There are people attending the interview that you weren’t told would be there? No one apologizes for or explain their actions? Are they dressed inappropriately for an interview?  Are you asked personal questions that should not be part of an interview? Do they call or text you after working hours with non-related work issues? Have they called someone at your former workplace, not a reference, and have not cleared this with you first? This could be as a result of a poor organization, lack of integrity or lack of respect for you.  Either way it should raise alarm bells as to the values and ethics of the organization. 

Unanswered Questions or Avoidance by the Employer

When being interviewed for a position we should not be afraid to ask tough questions such as: What happened to the last person in the position?  What is the turnover rate? How are people promoted?  We should be suspicious if there is any hesitation in answering these questions or if it looks like the employer is trying to hide or avoid answering.  An organization that we want to work for is open, transparent and has nothing to hide.

Mismatch Between Their Expectations of Work/Life Balance and Yours

You may want to have weekends and evenings to spend with family but the organization expects you to put their needs first and be available at their beckon call whenever they need you.  Even though they may offer many other benefits that you are looking for, sacrificing time with family is not something that you are prepared to do.  You need to be very clear about your expectations from the start so avoid getting into a situation you will later regret. 


  • Harvey Deutschendorf is an emotional intelligence expert, internationally published author and speaker.  To take the EI Quiz go to  His book THE OTHER KIND OF SMART, Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success has been published in 4 languages. Harvey writes for FAST COMPANY and has a monthly column with HRPROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE. You can follow him on Twitter @theeiguy.