7 Habits to Live a Happier Life - Thumbnail image - Thrive Global

There can be moments in our lives that challenge us and test every ounce of strength and bravery within us.

Life isn’t meant to be a hundred percent happy, but it isn’t meant to be completely painful either.

We don’t realize this but, sometimes the things that are blocking us from achieving pure and genuine happiness is ourselves.

By being aware of the habits that we choose to implement in our lives, we’re one step closer to having the happy life we aspire for.

On this note, the following are 7 habits to live a happier life:

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good

You can’t expect to live a happier life if you surround yourself with negative and toxic people.

By being around people that make you feel good and people that motivate you to reach your goals, you live a happier life.

After all, you are a reflection of who you surround yourself with.

“You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.”

Jim Rohn

Integrate your passion in your life

Whether it’s following your passion or finding the time to do your interests, it’s important to have that aspect in at least one area in your life.

Your passion is what sets your soul on fire and makes you feel alive.

By having that passion, you’re giving more in your life.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

Oprah Winfrey

Don’t overthink things

Make it a habit to avoid overthinking things.

There’s a huge difference between reflecting and overthinking your life.

By overthinking, the tendency is to create anxiety and worries that are irrational and nonexistent in the first place.

Overthinking is one of the fastest ways to cause unhappiness and anxiety in your life.

“Rule number one is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, it’s all small stuff.”

Robert Eliot

Engage in physical activity

Whether it’s a morning workout or engaging in sports, it’s always a good idea to be physically active.

Physical activity is known to give off endorphins and dopamine, which are both hormones responsible for making you feel good.

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Practice doing self-love habits

This seems like the general ‘love yourself’ cliche advice, but it is genuine advice.

The more you love yourself, the more you’ll live a life inclined towards contentment and happiness.

If you’re secure in who you are, you won’t go chasing for external factors to fill up your self-esteem and confidence.

“Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.”

Lessen your time on social media

There isn’t anything harmful with using social media, as long as there’s balance.

Anything used in excessive amounts is always harmful and the same goes for social media.

There is so much comparison present in social media and everyone’s posting the highlights of their lives, it can be so easy to compare your achievements and success to everyone else’s.

A good habit would be to lessen your time on your phone and engage in something more realistic.

“Too much social media may be costing you more than just time—it may be stealing your happiness.”

Deepika Chopra, PsyD

Have that work-life balance

Balance is essential in all aspects of your life to achieve a happier life, especially in the aspects of your career and your personal life.

Avoid working too much and avoid working too less.

There should be a proper balance between rest and work.

“You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life.”

Heather Schuck