woman doing crunches on a mat

Sticking to a well-designed workout routine is the path to a healthy life. When we embrace movement we embrace the benefits regular exercise provides. Sometimes we feel like exercising, but sometimes we don’t. But, most of the times we should push ourselves because even the smallest amount of effort counts in the long run. However, there are certain scenarios when exercise won’t be the healthiest option. Learn when it is completely okay to put a temporary pause on our workout schedule.

Sleep deprivation

If you’ve been struggling to sleep for days in a row, it might be wise to slow down with your workouts. Once the lack of sleep turns into a pattern, it might cause a more serious problem. Sleep deprivation wears down your immune system and a powerful workout can only weaken it further. Lack of sleep also increases stress and amplifies your hunger. Your body craves food in order to replenish its sources of energy. Skipping your workout to catch some zzz’s is a smart decision. Until you break out of the bad sleeping patterns, it’s okay to skip your workouts.


It is true that an exercise is a powerful tool against stress. People who feel a bit of tension and anxiety are always advised to find their own pressure release valve in the form of an exercise. But, if you feel overwhelmed and like you’re about to burst at the seams, it would be best to just spend some time in your comfort zone. Instead of running to the gym after a hard day at work, go home, brew some tea and wind down.


If you didn’t get a chance to have a proper pre-workout meal or to even have any meal, working out isn’t the best option. When you work out on an empty stomach, you are at the risk of burning your muscles instead of building them. Your body craves sugar so it starts burning the sugars directly from your muscles. When your body is forced to enter this survival mode and burn the deposits of fat, this will also slow down your metabolism so you won’t burn as much as you hope to. If you didn’t get the chance to eat properly all day, it would be for the best to skip the workout at least until you have your meal.

You’re overtraining

If you’ve managed to exercise seven days in a row, it’s time to put a stop to this madness. Each time you exercise, you put stress on a group of muscles and even the entire body. So, the natural order of events would be to rest properly after a workout so that you can achieve progress. This can be done by exercising an entirely different group of muscles on the following day. Also, if you’ve managed to exercise more than three days in a row, you need to take a rest day. Proper recovery in-between sessions are essential so that your muscles can repair the bonds and reduce fatigue and muscle soreness.

You’re still getting over an injury

Whether this injury happened during your regular routine or is a result of some unfortunate events, you have to slow down. Taking a break from any kind of activity that can prolong the injury and make it even worse, is not advised. You should also consider getting professional assistance at SportsTec Clinic and seek some injury management. This way you’ll receive the therapy you need and overcome this problem with guided physiotherapy. Until you recover properly from an injury, it’s okay to skip a workout.

Important social events

How would you react if someone used this as a response to the birthday invitation: “Sorry, but I can’t. I have to make it to the gym”. You probably wouldn’t be too thrilled with the fact that your friend prioritizes the gym over important social events. 

If you have a social event later in the afternoon, move your workout before it. You can also skip the workout entirely and do it tomorrow. Social life is important for our mental health so make sure to take care of it right. Learn how to be flexible with your time and schedule, as well. You can have it all if you learn how to organize your week the right way. 

You Hate Exercise

If you just hate exercise, hate to get ready, hate the people at the gym, think of it as torture, just stop right there. Even if exercise is something that benefits your health, if it feels like torture, then it isn’t for you. Instead, change your point of view and think of it as something you do as a part of your daily routine. You go to work, you go to the gym, and you go home. Apart from adjusting your point of view, you can also try every workout there is until you find the right one that suits you. This way it won’t be a chore, but something enjoyable and likable.

It’s okay to skip a workout or two even if you just don’t feel like it. Just, don’t do it when the act of exercising puts your health and wellbeing at risk. Take a break and enjoy it without any guilt.