We may not be aware that we are constantly building the enemy in us. There is danger in not knowing what we do not know. I have read many articles about Finding Meaning at Work. For me, the essence is not about finding inspirations at work but living one’s true purpose at work.
All this time, we have been very complacent with the manner we work, behave and treat the people in our daily circle. We are used to doing things we thought are not damaging to our well-being and that of the people around us.
Isn’t it a priceless feeling of fulfillment to be able to end each day knowing we did good at work and most importantly, wished others well.
There is no better way to achieve inner peace than living good deeds, staying composed and bringing wellness to others despite the hurdles and atrocities of our surroundings.
Exemplifying genuine goodness particularly to the people we live and work with, attracts positivity to every aspect in which our lives revolve into. This is a proven practice. But I see that most of us fail to live this kind of opportunity that will sustain the success we always aim for our career and for the paths we choose to navigate.
Be it for financial security, experience, networking, camaraderie or recognition (most popular in the corporate world), our human instinct dictates the need for us to attain the many different reasons why we want to belong in the corporate world and there is nothing wrong with it.
But for us to sustain the purpose, are we living the essential traits of life at work? Do we establish what meaningful outcome should arise with the enormous amount of time we put in our workplace?
99% of how we live our life at work is the gauge of how we lived it to the fullest: how we treat people, how we care for the environment and how we manage our resources. Living our life well on earth is a crucial journey towards the paradise of eternity. Let us be careful not to take the painful path of the afterlife.
It is helpful to mold and examine our conscience as we begin and end each day. Keeping this custom is something so heroic yet honorable for a professional. The testimony of the few people I’ve met who embrace this norm is the laudable spontaneity of their actions.
Living unity of life at work is being able to:
- Use and share our talents by supplementing what is lacking in others. Each one has unique traits and talents and we are encouraged to compete objectively NOT destructively.
- Have the humility to learn best practices from others in order to improve our own well-being. No man is an island. We are not completely self-sufficient which is why we are created uniquely in order to rely on others and sustain the harmony required by human nature.
- Empower those below our rank by bringing out the best in others. One of the truest measures of success is the ability to produce great leaders within our own moral capacities.
- Acknowledge and listen to our colleagues particularly if their efforts and ideas are instrumental to achieving our KPIs and KRAs. In my meetings with some company clients, I am surprised to witness superiors and peers having the liberty of finding fault in whatever one of their colleagues say during actual meetings or official gatherings. It’s like a dominion of know-it-all people bullying one or more of their colleagues when in fact, these bullied colleagues are more professional with the way they behave and speak, as I see it. The crab mentality culture has become a way of life at work and it’s really killing the image of the institution and reliability of its people.
- Refrain from the feeling and thought of always wanting to be better than others at work. Initiating teamwork within the organization is a manifestation of having the right people on board and a good impression of a healthy working environment.
- Open the line of communication. Speak diplomatically and directly with our colleagues if we need to raise some concerns and clarifications regarding work output and behavior. Speaking your concerns about one person to other colleagues who are not involved in the scenario is simply gossiping. Workplace gossiping, whether factual or fabricated, is a SIGN of WEAKNESS and INSECURITY.
- Respect the chain of command, line of expertise, and area of scope of your colleagues according to the approved policies of the organization. There is no point in hiring or keeping the heads of departments if those in higher authorities will always find the pleasure of micromanaging. This is an absolute waste of talents and expertise which the organization is entirely missing. It would be better for these talents to hibernate and be embraced by broadminded employers who can obtain the benefits in the end.
The above traits will guide you in developing the daily habit of good examination of conscience. This is one of the secret weapons to inner peace, wellness and success.
We live in a very colorful world where those with the strongest personality rules but whose actions are not usually in conformity with the moral law of human nature.
There is no need to show-off how good we are in what we do or how well we treat people at work because our actions are mirrors of our deep intentions and it is easy to detect if it synchronizes with what we say. From here, it is clearer to examine if we have the credibility to command respect by walking the talk.
Going with the current trend need not be a compulsive norm. More than fame and fortune, life at work is more about how good our influence is tattooed in the hearts and minds of others despite their callousness. We take the pleasure in knowing that the guilt and regret they feel for the times they have been unruly to us will reap enlightenment and conversion for them.
May our life at work be full of unity, inspiration and wellness with our gentle words and actions.
This article was also published on https://jitrrieconomy.weebly.com/csr-culture/7-traits-to-living-unity-of-life-at-work and on https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-traits-living-unity-life-work-cherrie-fabillaran/