7 Ways Tech Will Change Society by Amit Kalyani

Over the last 25 years, it is no secret that we’ve seen technological innovation revolutionize traditional areas of society, such as the workplace and the family home. So what will technological advances in science, medicine, and computing make the world look like in another 25 years?

Here are a few ways in which tech will change life as we know it, and why technology entrepreneurs are forging a new path forward for society.

  • More Work Will be Done Online

In the future, more work will be able to be done from home. With faster Internet speeds and more companies relying on tech innovation to build successful products and services, the line between the corporate sphere and home-based offices will become increasingly blurred.

  • Automation Will Phase Out Many Traditional Jobs

We now know that Amazon is building robots to “staff” traditional warehouse operations, and AI programs are set to make many current professions obsolete. These leads many to believe that workers in the future will have to shift their skill-sets to new horizons to get ahead in a demanding, tech-based economy.

  • Education Will Change Training

In recent years, top schools like Harvard and MIT have opened up an enormous number of courses to the public. Increasingly, workers will be able to train for demanding positions in computer science and other fields online.

  • Work Will Become More Meritocratic

Since the economy is becoming increasingly reliant on technology, workers skilled in computer science will be in very high demand regardless of their educational background.

  • Funding for Start-Up Companies Will Increase

As society becomes increasingly dependent on computer technology, an enormous amount of money will be invested in new start-ups around the world.

  • More Attention Will be Placed on Privacy Rights

With most of the world’s population conducting their business and personal life online, privacy and privacy protections will become a monumental political and social issue in the future. Companies who can rigorously protect bank account information and cash transfers from identity thieves will be in very high demand.

  • The Workplace Will Adapt to New Values

As a new generation of tech-savvy entrepreneurs revolutionize the economy, the traditional workplace will see many changes in the near future. Open-plan offices and informal work outfits (t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers) will become the new normal across the corporate sphere.