
Have you had to recheck your grocery list frequently? What about your car keys? Is recalling names more challenging than ever? Rest assured: You’re not alone. There’s no one who doesn’t forget things on occasion. Still, as you get older, you might be getting more concerned about maintaining your memory. It can be reassuring to know that taking part in certain activities can make a big difference in your level of recall. Read on for several ways to improve your memory as you get older. 

1. Keep Your Senses Sharp

Stay attentive to your environment — both in your home and out in the world. Take care of the details of your home and physical self. Avoid too much clutter, and maintain your grooming and self-care routines. Attune to the sights, sounds, tastes, textures, and scents around you. Need some self-care items that nurture your senses? Try a search using terms such as lavender hand cream to find high-quality products. 

2. Eat a Nutritious Diet

Eating a nutrient-dense, healthy diet is good for your brain as well as your heart. Get plenty of protein and healthy fats. Consume a variety of vegetables, and grains and fruits in moderation. Also, monitor your alcohol intake and drug use (both prescription and non-prescription). 

3. Stay Physically Active

Did you know that physical activities boost the blood flow to your entire body — including your brain? Sufficient blood flow to the brain enhances all of its functions. Do yourself a favor and engage in at least 150 minutes a week of brisk walking (moderate aerobic activity) or 75 minutes a week of jogging or high-intensity exercise (vigorous aerobic activity). It’s best to spread it throughout the week. Consult your doctor for clearance first, and consider hiring a licensed trainer. 

3. Get Out and Socialize

Avoid isolation. Healthy social interaction helps to prevent stress and loneliness, which can hasten memory loss. Be intentional about opportunities to gather with trusted friends, loved ones, and acquaintances — particularly if you live by yourself. 

4. Stay Mentally Active

Stay involved in pleasurable mental activities to help keep your mind in shape and delay memory loss. It’s just as important as physical activity. Take various routes when driving. Learn a new language. Play a musical instrument or sing. Get involved with gardening, crafting, or woodworking. Be a volunteer in your community. The particulars don’t matter as much as your taking action. 

5. Stay Organized

If your home is crowded or cluttered and you have notes in disarray, you’re more likely to forget things. There are many attractive planners you can use to keep your tasks in order. Use what works best for you; keep in mind that analog planners tend to help cement memory more powerfully. As you jot down each entry, consider saying it out loud to help you remember it better. Also, have a dedicated space for your keys, wallet, handbag, and glasses. 

6. Get Plenty of Sleep

Two of the most important ways that sleep is beneficial as you age: It helps to consolidate memories and repair neurological processes. Make getting sufficient restful sleep a priority if you want to feel good and preserve your memory function. Get help from a trusted health professional if you’re having trouble getting enough shut-eye. 

7. Identify and Treat Chronic Conditions

Stay up-to-date on your annual checkups, and follow your doctor’s recommendations for any medical conditions you may have, such as hearing loss, obesity, high cholesterol, mood issues, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Your memory is likely to be better if you take good care of yourself. Also, stay aware of how your medications may affect your memory. 

8. Seek Help When You Need It

If you get concerned about your memory, don’t hesitate to talk to a medical professional. There are many effective interventions for every age and stage.


Keeping your mind sharp requires holistic attention. Keep these tips in mind to improve your memory.