Procrastination is a common problem many people face. It gets in the way of everyday life, in doing your work, or running your business.
Most of us would agree that we would be better off if we could stop procrastinating.
We’d finally redo our resume. You could start a blog website, write a book, or reach out to those friends you meant to stay in touch with.
Procrastination makes us lose time. It’s possible to put off important tasks until there’s a deadline looming on the horizon. You may realize too late that you’ve missed the chance to do something important like traveling or getting a new job.
Overcoming procrastination is the most important thing you can do for yourself.
There are several effective ways to reframe the urge to procrastinate. Let’s dive into them now.
1. Catastrophizing
Catastrophizing is where people take their fears of a negative outcome to the extreme. Someone afraid of public speaking may imagine their audience jeering at them. Although the reality is that people are more likely to be patient and understanding at speaking events.
Try to catch yourself when you’re thinking of extreme and unlikely negative outcomes. This will help you push the pause button on your thoughts and reframe your concerns.
2. Demanding perfect conditions
You may be putting off your tasks by saying something like, ‘I need to be in the right mood to finish my assignment.’
It’s also common to fixate on distractions like traffic noises outside. In such cases, you’re demanding perfect mental and external conditions to exist before you work.
It’s helpful to realize that not everything needs to be perfect to get to work. Life rarely offers ideal conditions for doing anything.
Catch the feeling of avoiding an important task because you don’t feel like it or if your environment isn’t ‘just right.’ Try to work anyway, and you’ll soon settle into your task.
3. Focus on benefits
You can motivate yourself to study or write your report by listing the benefits of doing so. This creates a positive mindset that launches you to start reading. For example, if you want to create an online business, focus on the benefits of doing it. List out things like – being independent and making money online.
4. Make it easy
Sometimes you need to take steps to make your work as easy as possible by removing obstacles in your path. If you can’t find time to shop if you want to eat more healthily, then order your groceries online.
If you’re struggling to manage communication with your customers, use marketing automation.
If you’re taking too many steps to reach a file on your computer, create a shortcut to the desktop. Small changes can remove the causes of procrastination and improve your life.
5.Reward yourself
Create positive associations with something that you’re reluctant to do. Give yourself a reward for doing an uncomfortable task. This way, you create an association between what you have to do and something you enjoy.
6. Organize your tasks
Poor planning and organization may be making you procrastinate.
Track your activities and organize them to prioritize the most critical activities. Having a plan in place can reduce stress. As you finish each activity, you’ll get a sense of accomplishment that keeps you motivated.
7. Commit to taking a single step
Often we overwhelm ourselves by thinking about large projects. Start by taking a single step without any pressure to do anything else. This can launch you into accomplishing more than you think possible.
9. Create accountability with someone
You’ll avoid procrastinating if you have to account for your tasks to another person or group. Try joining an online group such as a membership site with the idea of sharing your goals. There are groups that keep each other accountable. You can also make a pact to stay on track by working with a friend or family member.
Reclaim your life by overcoming procrastination
Overcoming procrastination is not easy. But doing so can create a new and fulfilling life. You’ll be on track to meeting your commitments and having a more productive experience. Use the tips given here and make procrastination a thing of the past.