Setting up a business or startup company is undoubtedly a hard nut to crack, nevertheless once you have started a venture it’s hard to sustain for a long time. There are various challenges and volatility which are encountered by every entrepreneur during their entrepreneurial journey. That’s why one has to be determined wherein motivation plays a vital role that drives a person towards success. However, it is not easy as some people get depressed merely facing a single failure which can stop them to succeed in business. Therefore, to stay motivated during the struggle is as important as other skills to achieve a business goal.
In this article, I am going to explore 9 amazing tips which help you to stay thrilled, motivated and focused towards your destination especially whenever you become hopeless, demoralised or depressed.
1) Setup small objectives on a daily or weekly basis:
Every person who wants to become a successful entrepreneur undoubtedly has a big desire and this itself might be the reason behind demotivation or frustration. As when these desires seem to be unfulfilled, most of the people get demoralised. That’s why you need to bifurcate your final business goal into a multiple set of tiny objectives along with the date of accomplishment. In fact, you should set up multiple objectives with respect to time since the starting of the business and you should cheer every achievement as well.
For instance, if you planned to achieve the company’s sales of $ 6,00,000/- in a certain financial year, you should equally divide the whole target into small objectives such as $50,000/- for each month. Now as soon as you achieve your first month or second objective, you would be highly motivated, this provides immense energy to work even much harder than before.
2) Setup Rewards:
You not only have to set up the objectives but also you need to declare the rewards for your teammates or for yourself as well. The incentive works as a motivational pill and encourages you as well as team members to achieve higher objectives for the organisations. So don’t forget to reward your team as incentives have been proven methodology to stay motivated and enthusiastic. You can also set a reward to you for every achievement such as you would purchase a car if the turnover of the company crosses $1,00,000/- per month.
3) Engage with your teammates:
Sometimes your teammates inspire you more rather than anything else. Their passion, dedication towards their job would provide you high level of confidence and belief to be successful. You should always encourage, engage with them in each sale or business activity, ask them for any better solutions. Their continuous approach towards the business goal would inspire, motivate and gives you the strength to encounter any difficulties during the entrepreneurial journey.
4) Pick out your past mistakes:
You not only need to identify your previous mistakes but at the same time, you’ll have to accept it as well. If you don’t accept your mistakes, you could be thinking that you have done everything right so why didn’t succeed yet which can lead you toward depression. Therefore, you need to accept your faults and take a lesson not to repeat those mistakes again. Moreover, if you accept your mistakes, this indeed proves that you might be wrong at some instant but your idea, your thoughts and your intention are not wrong.
Re-establish yourself again and work with 100% efficiency to achieve your financial and business objectives.
5) Mentors shouldn’t be ignored:
Whether you are an entrepreneur or working professionals or self-employed, there is always a mentor behind every successful person. So whenever you feel demotivated and frustrated, just meet your mentor as soon as possible. If you still don’t have any mentor, you should just find an experienced and knowledgeable mentor within your industry.
I have seen many successful entrepreneurs or any other professionals who didn’t have much experience or specialist but became very successful as they were always under the guidance of their mentor. Therefore, I simply mean to say that nobody can’t be proficient in every field, everybody requires a mentor at some stage in their life.
6) Make reading as your hobby:
Knowledge is not the only key to success but also it sometimes plays a crucial role whenever you get demoralised. Let me explain how? If you have been doing any business and struggling to generate profits for a long time, obviously you will demoralise whether you are on the right track or not. There are a number of other ways which could be even more effective to perform a sales funnel but due to lack of knowledge, most struggling entrepreneurs unable to utilise it.
Your knowledge is the power and motivation to be successful in your life. Hence you should keep reading more and more and try to be a perfectionist in your era.
7) Listen to speeches of the great leaders:
Obviously, there is no doubt about it, there are many successful entrepreneurs who hadn’t have a great past, even then they became very successful and could achieve their goal. If you listen to them, for a while as if, all the frustration has disappeared and believe me you’ll surely feel highly motivated and energetic, of course, I have listened to many business tycoons till date.
Always make a routine for listening podcasts, inspirational speeches of business tycoons and other business coaches.
7) Listen to speeches of the great leaders:
Obviously, there is no doubt about it, there are many successful entrepreneurs who hadn’t have a great past, even then they became very successful and could achieve their goal. If you listen to them, for a while as if, all the frustration has disappeared and believe me you’ll surely feel highly motivated and energetic, of course, I have listened to many business tycoons till date.
Always make a routine for listening podcasts, inspirational speeches of business tycoons and other business coaches.
8) Let your eyes and ear closed:
Just close your eyes and ear, don’t hear and see what your friends, relatives or neighbours say or think about you. You have to believe in yourself, your potential though process and capabilities. There are many people who sledge your business ideas, demotivate and divert you but at the same time, you need to focus only on your goal.
9) Believe in yourself:
You would be thinking that is obvious, but it is the only key to success whether you want to be a successful entrepreneur or whatsoever you want to become. If you are consistently approaching any objective to accomplish, nobody can stop you to achieve your goal. The only challenge is not to divert from your destination, however, there may be various circumstances which might destroy your concentration for a while but you need to tackle such situations intelligently.
One thing you should keep in mind, to become a successful businessman is not a cakewalk, you should be ready to sacrifice a lot to be successful.
Final Thought:
Although to become successful as an entrepreneur has never been easy, you will encounter a lot of challenges like financial, moral, social during your business operations. If you don’t have any experience in business, you might face more challenges so you should always follow the tips which may help you to overcome such circumstances. There are multiple established companies which organise different types of motivational activities for their employees to sustain or enhance their productivity.
In a nutshell, one can establish a large business for sure provided he wouldn’t diversify his mindset and be consistent towards his destination and being consistent for a long time you should always be enthusiastic and motivated even in worst situations.