Nearly 52 million people experience mental illness each year and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people looking for help with anxiety increased 93 percent. 

But the numbers don’t stop there.

People with depression have a 40 percent higher risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases than the general population. Across the U.S. economy, serious mental illness causes $193.2 billion in lost earnings each year, while the rate of unemployment is higher among U.S. adults who have mental illness.

Mental health challenges also places a strain on loved ones. At least 8.4 million people in the U.S. provide care to an adult with a mental or emotional health issue, and caregivers of adults with mental or emotional health issues spend an average of 32 hours per week providing unpaid care. 

Mental health is a continuum that impacts us all. During the pandemic, nearly everyone faced challenges with mental health and wellbeing – personally or with friends and family. Now more than ever, focusing on mental health and wellness needs to be a priority for all of us this coming year and into the future. 

At CHC: Creating Healthier Communities, we envision a world where every person in every community has an opportunity to realize their greatest potential. And we work to break the barriers to good health and equity. As part of that focus, we offer mental health and wellbeing resources and partnerships. We:

Whatever you choose to do, take action and take time to care for your own and your team’s mental health and wellbeing.


  • Thomas G. Bognanno

    CEO of CHC: Creating Healthier Communities

    Thomas G. Bognanno has been the President and CEO of Community Health Charities now know as CHC: Creating Healthier Communities since January 2006. Prior to that, Tom had a distinguished 20-year career with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), where he served as the Chief Field Officer. He was instrumental in revitalizing ADA’s community-level infrastructure and acting as one of the chief architects of the Everyday Choices for a Healthier Life partnership between ADA, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society. Before ADA, Tom spent six years with the American Cancer Society.
    At Community Health Charities, Tom has been a catalyst for consolidating the organization and creating a new direction for its more than 2,000 charity partners nationwide and its network of over 17 million caring employees. Under Tom’s leadership, Community Health Charities evolved its mission to empower people to take action to improve health and wellbeing to build stronger, healthier communities. Community Health Charities supports education, treatment, and prevention for those with health challenges; brings organizations together to improve community health; provides individuals with opportunities to get involved; and increases the capacity of nonprofit organizations.
    Residing in northern Virginia, Tom and his wife Suzan have been married for over 35 years and have raised three children.