Chris Lamb is a property developer and investor located in St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada. He is a first-generation builder that’s enthusiastic and excited for new opportunities. His passion allows him to work around the clock. He is interested in building affordable housing communities and investment properties in the Niagara Region.
A graduate of Brock University with a B.A. in Political Economy, Chris set his sights on a post graduate degree in International Business Management from Niagara College.
Currently, he works under Revel Realty in Niagara Falls with a fun a compassionate group of people. Design, style, and efficient building processes drive his job sites to ensure timeliness and economic growth.
He enjoys meeting new people and exploring new environments. He is always seeking further experience and advice from others knowing everyone has knowledge to give, so feel free to reach out.
In the last few years, what lifestyle, habit, or behavior change has had the biggest positive impact on your life?
I have always been passionate about a healthy lifestyle. Knowing where my food comes from, how its cooked, exercise, and fitness have always been habitual priorities. However, more recently with working long hours and less sleep, I have had to focus more on mental behaviours and changes for good health. These are activities that decompress rather than build and grow. Meditation when the sunrise rises, keeping my phone off, when I wake up and go to sleep, have all changed my mental health positively. Although in these times I may not be productive it allows me to be even more dialed when I come back to work.
When you feel unfocused, what do you do?
This answer lies in parallel to my former answer. The most obvious response is to drink coffee, eliminate distractions and get to work. However more recently I have learned to strictly schedule and divide my time when to work, when to have fun, and when to just “be”.
What advice would you give a smart and ambitious recent college graduate? What advice should they ignore?
Graduation and education are never the end of growth. School teaches you good habits and foundations for getting things done. The world can be much more spontaneous than grad school. Whatever career or passion you fall into, be prepared to be flexible and adaptable to your new roles, as I believe as humans, this is the most valuable trait.
What is one lifestyle trend that excites you?
Singular competitive sports have always excited me the most. Cross-fit, marathons, boxing are all activities I believe that most humble us and accept ourselves. These singular sports have taught me accountability and vulnerability. While I’m not consistent with one trend, rotation of similar sports seems to excite me. I love the ability to track growth in all of the above.
Who has been the biggest influence in your life and why?
My company, Newcastle Communities, has been named of my father’s workplace. Although we don’t often see eye to eye, he challenges me, fearlessly criticizes, and has taught me to work until the job is complete. He is not always amicable, but always good to have around. He is not always happy with my decisions but always supportive. I am often a big picture thinker while he reminds me not to forget the details. My father both tends to balance me and humble me.
What’s one of the biggest life lessons you have learned?
You can’t always expect people to do the right thing but try not to let it stop you from doing so. The world is not always good, so be better. The world is not always easy so be harder to pass. Insulate yourself with good people and positive atmospheres as a defense of what’s to come. I used to pray for easier circumstances but now I ask for more strength and intelligence. Additionally, I have learned creativity is increasingly easier to ignite. While more problems arise in the complex and bureaucratic world we live in, higher access to connectivity and resources is awaiting.
What do you think it is that makes you/someone successful?
The most universal trait of success is the ability to get beaten. This includes being beaten down mentally, emotionally, and physically. I spoke earlier about physical and mental health as this is an absolute must, and top criteria in weekly or possibly daily challenges. Rest and recovery may be needed, but the optimism and creativity to find the answers is most necessary. The ability to work consistently is of course a high priority yet we often see examples of peoples that work less than 12 or 14 hours a day. I believe more importantly the working hours need to be efficient and dialed in. I often focus on my most highly intellectual tasks in the morning, such as communications, sales, and accounting, and leave physical or less competent work into the afternoon. I schedule my meetings in a similar fashion. Often at nighttime I will catch up on emails, reach out to associates, schedule, and write out my plans and tasks for the days to come. If you plan what you’re doing the night before and write it out, it takes you less time to get going in your “highest intellectual hours”
How do you stay motivated?
I’m fortunate that the tasks of my career are circular in my motivation. As cliche as it sounds, the same challenges the demotivate me, are part of the larger picture that ignites me. I would not suggest finding external motivation for goals you have but rather the goals themselves put you on fire, enough to handle most blows. While motivational tools can be used for your dark mornings, rainy days and cool nights, inner drive is the most constant. Growing up we are often taught to be balanced, or well rounded, and we see it in resumes today. I believe against this. If we give ourselves the opportunity to double down at what we’re good at and mitigate the tasks were not, not only will success and motivation be higher, but joy.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
I’ve always wanted to create a business that is lasting rather than a fad, my personal being does not need to be in legacy but rather the company I’m building. I believe building communities will far out last a variety of technology, food and service and fashion companies. Although community builders need to stay adaptive and innovative these companies often have a longer life span. Companies such as Bechtel, Tridel, AECOM, have proved to last various generations. This is very admirable when a company can be passed down from own generation to the next.