Tell us what your name is and where are you from?
Abdullah Almanna was born in Kuwait. He’s a Certified Public Accountant licensed in the US and work in a Big Four accounting firm. Furthermore, he launched multiple lucrative businesses like Tripese and continually invest in lifelong learning.
What gives you energy?
Doing the thing I love everyday. Having a plan and working towards it.
What’s your secret life hack?
My secret hack is balancing between work and leisure. Make you hobby a source of income, earn on your free time, travel and Invest.
How do you travel the world? Do you get your money from your job?
I make sure I have more than one source of income and never relay on one source.
Why did you spend time and money learning a third language?
To learn a language will teach you patience. I learned Spanish as my third language and travel to Spain and Colombia to lean. This was an excellent way to meet people from all over the world. In addition it was an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone.
Tell us about your relationship with your phone. Does it sleep with you?
Now days the phone is an essential part of your life. Social media can be the best place to make money and learn. It depends on how you use technology but it could be an important part of your life if you use it right. As long as you are balancing work, leisure and spending time with the people you love. Then time spent on the phone shouldn’t matter.
How do you find ways to make other sources of income?
By acquiring new skill
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
If you want something go for it no one is going to give it to you. You need to take risks to reach your goals. Do not listen to negativity, there is a reason you believe in it just do it. Never do anything you do not understand, make sure to learn and obtain the skill.
Who is you idol?
Elon musk, he went through struggles and failures but never gave up.
When was the last time you felt you failed and how did you overcome it?
I fail in a way every day and learning from these failures is what makes me stronger. The best part in life is to fail and stand back up and that is the difference between success and failure. We are all capable of being great it a matter of believe and Competence. If you do not know a Celine skill then learn it, the time you complain is the time you lost.
Share a quote that you love and that gives you strength or peace. “Only one thing makes a dream impossible: a fear of failure