Kyle Krch grew up in a small rural Eastern Nevada town, Ely Nevada. Kyles parents were both lifelong educators and gave him a unique opportunity to see how the practice of education can leave life long positive imprints on people’s lives. During Kyle’s senior year in high school he was awarded multiple academic scholarships for his next level education, instead he decided to join the United States Army. Kyle was a military intelligence analyst who was then recruited into the Special Operations US ARMY 75th Ranger Regiment. Soon after arriving at his unit, he was selected to attend the army’s elite leadership course, Ranger School. Kyle became one of the youngest Ranger qualified soldiers in the modern era at only 19 years of age. After being honorably discharged in 2001 Kyle and his wife Sandra settled in Reno, Nevada. At age 25 Kyle and Sandra started Krch Realty and in just a few years, they had closed over 1,000 real estate transactions and had grown the Reno Nevada based Krch Realty brokerage to over 80 agents. From 2015 to 2018 Kyle had started multiple real estate related support companies. In 2019 Kyle sold Krch Realty to Hughes Private Capital and became an owner in the Hughes Private Capital investment firm. Presently, Hughes Private Capital and the Krch family of companies boast over 200 team members and independent contractors along with over 75 million assets under management. Hughes Private Capital and its sister brand Krch Realty are in the planning phases of a national rollout by the end of 2023.
In the last few years, what lifestyle, habit, or behavior change has had the biggest positive impact on your life?
My continuous thirst for knowledge has driven my success. Making a conscious effort to be the best student possible has allowed continued growth and innovation in both my personal and business life. Reading and studying the work of my fellow professionals and business leaders has allowed me to gain invaluable knowledge that would have taken me decades to gain on my own. When you attend a seminar or listen to an audio book you may only pick up one nugget of information. However, in my experience these nuggets have proven invaluable to the growth of our companies. After years of studying success and failure of other business one common theme keeps coming to the forefront. The difference between success or failure lies in the smallest of details, those who pay attention to detail and create a habit of taking that extra step again and again will overtime become more and more successful. Take Major League Baseball for example, the player that can hit the ball just 1 more time out of 10 will enjoy a long career in the league earning well into the 7 figures. The player that fails at this will toil in the minor leagues and never reach their full potential. If you look at the most successful athletes in the world you will also quickly see one common thread, the drive to always be better. Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant all had private coaches that they worked with to ensure they improved and built their crafts to their full potential. Each one of these players had the talent on their own to do well, however it was the attention to details that made them legends. Here are some of my favorite and most actionable audio books over the last three years that have allowed me to grow our business and revenue 100-fold. “The Power Of Habit”, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, “Measure what Matters”, “The longevity economy” and “Contagious”. I also continually surround myself with dynamic and driven individuals. I find that these individuals have the same drive for knowledge and help to reinforce ideas and are capable of giving real world feedback and constructive criticism.
When you feel unfocused, what do you do?
I follow the goal setting process as laid out in the book “Measure what Matters”. Goal setting and measuring your monthly, weekly, and daily performance against these goals are critical when trying to be as efficient as possible. When unfocused I revert back and review my quarterly strategic goals, this helps me prioritize my day to day tasks and ensure my daily activity is driving me toward my written weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals. If I believe the project or task is not correlated with my goals I either delegate or postpone.
What advice would you give a smart and ambitious recent college graduate? What advice should they ignore?
Always be a great student, don’t ever lose the drive for continued improvement. Ensure you are always expanding your personal network of people who share your same values and business goals. It took me a long time to figure out to truly become successful you need to surround yourself with capable mentors, peers, and employees. Always have the mindset to replace yourself if you can hire someone to do a task as 80% as well as you hire them. You will soon realize these A players will be able to contribute in ways that you never saw possible and supercharge your business and personal growth. Before considering advice, you need to evaluate who is giving you the advice. Do these peoples actions and lifestyle represent what you want for your own life. Remember if you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room. Always surround yourself with people who are living the lifestyle you want to!
What is one lifestyle trend that excites you?
Data driven health programs, workouts, and diets. Using tools like Lumen to help you maximize your nutrition programs and how that correlates with your workout regimen.
Who has been the biggest influence in your life and why?
Richard Branson. Richards upbringing was similar to mine. He was not given any advantages in life, he has worked, innovated, and marketed his way to his much-deserved success.
What’s one of the biggest life lessons you’ve learned?
Life is not fair. However, no matter how unfair a situation you may face if you take 100% responsibility for it, it allows you to move forward with out using excuses as reasons you are not as successful as you like. Just control what you can control, set your goals, and ensure your day to day activities are driving you towards your goals. Make results not excuses, no matter how “unfair/untrue” something is.
What do you think it is that makes you/someone successful?
Understanding success is not a destination but a journey keeps me moving forward and motivated. Being a student of life and business has allowed me to continual improve and grow. If you stop growing, improving you will be come stagnant and your competition WILL pass you. (Netflix vs Blockbuster) (Walmart vs Kmart) (Online Retail vs Brick and Mortar Retail)
How do you stay motivated?
Surrounding myself with amazing people who have proven records of success. If you want to be in better shape, hang out with people in better shape then yourself. If you want to have a more successful business, hang out with people with more successful business. Join groups like the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation or Vistage.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
I want to be known to my family, friends, peers, employees, and anyone I have worked with as a great educator. I believe the greatest gift you can give someone is the gift of knowledge. Academic knowledge is great but the gift of real world, in the trenches, actionable knowledge is the greatest gift you can give.