For almost all of us, our worlds have massively shrunk at the moment. We are isolated at home, many of us are furloughed or working from home. Either way, you’re just not getting out very much and our worlds have shrunk. What I’m trying to do, is to expand the space that I’m living in, albeit a small one. And I don’t mean a literal extension or loft extension or going down into the basement, I mean capitalising on the things that you are already doing and getting the most value out of. But potentially introducing something new that you get more value from as well.
Dopamine, Oxytocin And Serotonin
When I say make your world a bit bigger, no matter how small it is in its original size, I mean that in terms of the head and the heart as well. So one of the things that I’m doing a lot of, is really focusing in on the charity work that I’m already doing. Now, I know money can be tight for many of us at the moment but I have decided to actually expanded my charity budget, giving more money. For example, we sponsored a cat very recently with specific needs. Now, perhaps animals isn’t as much your thing as it is mine, but the point is this. When we do something for something else, for a cause or for something that’s bigger than us, or for somebody else, it makes us feel good. It has the physiological effect of boosting hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, perhaps even some endorphins. It makes us feel good, and when we feel good, we feel as though we’re living more. We feel our world is filling up, our hearts are filling up.
Expand Your Heads And Hearts
So that is how I expand my world at the moment. Just an example but why don’t you kick this idea around to see what you think. See if you can make it work for you. If we can’t go out, if we can’t literally make our world bigger, we can do more to fill the world, the amount of space that we’re currently residing in, both literally and in our heads and in our hearts.