Who will we be when all of this is said and done?
An interesting season in our world. Forcing us to look at each other and deal with our families, our finances, and our environment. Requiring us to pay attention to the details.
I have pondered several questions and wanted to share them with you –
What do you miss the most?
What do you hate the most?
What is making you the most uncomfortable?
What are you loving?
If you could change one thing during this time of self-isolation, knowing the weeks that are left, what would it be?
What have you learned about yourself during this time of self-distancing?
What have you tried that is new?
What old habits have you picked up?
Who are we going to be when this all over?
What are we going to change?
What will we resume?
Take some time to sit with these questions, and hopefully, you can answer honestly. Let us all rise up changed from this experience because what was working before was simply not working at all.
Listen to the LOUD crash of our world and strive to be better. We are in this together.