It’s no secret that the job hunt process can be brutal. It can quickly wear you down, mentally and physically, and leave you feeling drained and stressed. Keeping yourself mentally healthy throughout the process is key to surviving the seemingly endless rejection, silence, and money stress. Read on for the five best tips to keeping yourself mentally fit while job hunting (and getting help from professional resume writing services sure doesn’t hurt either!).

1. Create Structure

The most important part of keeping yourself sane during the job hunt is giving yourself regimented structure. After all, work gives you tons of structure and routine, and when that’s suddenly taken away from you, it can feel pretty disoriented. Keep yourself centered by waking up at the same time each morning (preferably around the same time you used to get up for work), and treat your job search like work with normal working hours and scheduled breaks. If you’re used to working out or walking the dog at certain times, stick with this schedule; it’ll help keep you grounded and focused during your search.

2. Make Time for Self-Care

One thing that definitely falls by the wayside during a job search is self-care. Most people feel that they need to find a new job right away, and feel guilty doing anything for themselves during time that could be spent job hunting. Making time for self-care should definitely be a priority, now more than ever! The job search process can be mentally, physically  and emotionally exhausting, and in order to avoid wearing yourself thin, making time for the activities that recharge you are crucial. This can be anything from long walks, relaxing baths, exercising, and of course, getting enough sleep.

Woman posing. Wearing White Dress Shirt Sitting on Window

3. Track your Progress

It can quickly feel like you’re putting in a ton of effort and not seeing any progress, which can be downright depressing. Tracking your progress during the job search not only keeps you organized, but also helps remind you of how much work you’re putting in. Even though you might not have a job offer right away, having tangible proof of who you’ve contacted and tasks you’ve completed will help keep you sane.

4. Take a Gratitude Break

Although it might feel like you’re on the down and out and there’s not much to be thankful for, having some perspective will help. Taking a second to think about the things that are positive about being presently unemployed can help you feel a little less stressed and anxious. Whether you suddenly have more time to spend with your kids, or more time to learn a new skill, being unemployed temporarily can have its advantages, and recognizing and being grateful for them can keep you mentally healthy during this time. It can also give you a chance to re-evaluate your career path, and figure out what you really want from a job (which can be a blessing in disguise!).

Woman in White Shirt Beside Teacup

5. Lean on a Support System

This is exactly the right time to lean on your support system, instead of emotionally and physically distancing yourself out of embarrassment or guilt. Being able to talk about your stressors and ask for advice can help tremendously in keeping yourself healthy during this time. Friends, family, and significant others are all there to support you, and if you’re finding them lacking, it might be time to re-evaluate your circle.
