With the country in lockdown and many people now furloughed, worry and stress levels are high. These are unchartered waters, and no one knows what the outcome will be. That said, there will be an outcome and things will change. As we keep moving forward we will get through this difficult time.
The term furlough has now become a major part of the UK language over the last few weeks. If you have been furloughed it can be a worrying time. However, looking on the positive side, how often do you get to have time at home?
It may not be the most conventional of times but positivity is what’s important. Here are Fusion Spaces’ 10 tips to turn your home time into a mindful staycation.
Plan your day
It is far too easy to get up and just fritter the day away. That is why it is important to plan something to do. It will give structure to your day and provide something to look forward. Simple things like taking a walk or run, calling a friend, or spending quality time with family either in-person if you’re in the same household, or remotely, are ideal for filling up your day.
New hobbies or rekindle old ones
Now is the ideal time to take up a new hobby that you’ve been meaning to start but simply haven’t had time. Or if you used to do something now is the time to pick it up again. Hobbies like knitting, sewing, painting or jigsaws are all great for your mental health. They promote mindfulness as in that moment you are completely engaged with what you are doing and you can shut everything else out. No nagging worries can surface when you are absorbed in your hobby.
Old fashioned board games are a perfect way to spend an afternoon or evening with family. Dust off the Ker-Plunk, get clued up on Cluedo or flex your brainpower with a good old game of Chess.
Eat, drink and be merry
Yes the pubs are closed but that doesn’t mean you can’t host a virtual party. Invite your friends to an online party, agree up front what the theme is. Choose food and drinks to match the theme and to really add that extra touch download a play list to dance along to later. Music invokes happy memories and can also provoke fun conversations.
Travel virtually
If you are going a bit stir crazy then a spot of virtual travel may ease your itchy feet. There are plenty of videos of landmarks and places of interest in the UK that you can find via YouTube. Once the lockdown is over travelling within the UK will help rebuild the economy and boost the local tourist industry.
Stay connected
Usually when you are on holiday you want to minimise contact with the outside world. However, this situation is very different and it is important to stay in touch with friends and family. Set up a WhatApps group and share thoughts, photos, jokes and memes. In some cases that might be the only contact some people have during the day. It really makes a difference to know that there is someone ‘there’ even if it is remotely.
Gardening and outdoor space
With the current restrictions in place it is still important to get outside and reconnect with nature, enjoy the sunshine and top up your vitamin D. Gardening may not be your thing but you now have the time and opportunity to give it a go. You can order seeds online and recycle tin cans to use as pots to get you started.
Getting outside and using your outdoor space is vitally important. Fresh air and a change of scenery will do wonders for your metal health. Why not sit outside and practice soothing breathing exercises?
Learn a new skill
Always wanted to learn to play the Ukulele that the kids got you for Christmas? Or how to dance a tango? There are plenty of online tutorials to help you find your new skill. Also by spending time learning your are using the front of the brain, which means you can’t be stressed or anxious as it is the back of the brain that triggers the fight or flight reaction.
Plan ahead
Looking ahead and planning your next trip away or visit to see friends will also help put this time in lockdown into perspective. Get those plans in place, add them to your calendar and be positive about the months ahead. Plus it gives you something else to look forward to.
Practice gratitude
Times are tough but there are always little things to be thankful for. Each day write down three things that have made you thankful. It could be the beautiful weather, your family keeping healthy or managing to buy toilet roll on your weekly shop. This helps keep positive vibes flowing and allows you to see the good in each day.
Stay safe and if you need wellbeing advice please feel free to get in touch via [email protected].