As the months wane and we deepen our commitment to staying safe (and sane) during this unprecedented time, why not make it a November to Remember?
November is typically a ‘blah’ month (at least it is for me), given the leaves have all fallen, the colours are gone, there’s no fun holiday to look forward to, etc… etc… What November does have is Remembrance Day where everyone uniquely marks the occasion. This blog isn’t about what to do or ways to mark that occasion, instead, it’s about taking the ‘remember’ part and making it a November to Remember!
Here Are Three Ideas:
Paint a Family Tree
Grab a roll of brown construction paper and washable paints in various colours (have each family member pick their favourite colour to ‘represent’ them). You’ll also need aluminum pie tins (or any shallow
OR – if you’re REALLY brave, choose an inside closet door or even an outside one (like my daughter did) to paint on. Maybe even an accent wall in a kids room??
Regardless of the surface you choose, the end product is the same, a personalized family tree your crew can marvel at, take pics and post to Instagram or wherever!
Draw a tree trunk and then take each paint colour, pour into the bottom of an aluminum pie tin, and have each family member dip their left (or right) hand into their colour.
Make an imprint from every family member following a ‘tree’ shape around the trunk
Once dried, have each family member put their name in the middle of the palm.
An instant, unique piece of art!
Have an Indoor Picnic
This one is pretty simple so get out your picnic baskets, create a menu, and throw some blankets on the floor
Get more creative and make a ‘fort’ for everyone to picnic in, adding mini lights or anything to create a ‘glow’.
Play Zoom Pictionary Using Zoom meetings, there is a feature once you’re in the meeting, called ‘Whiteboard’
You can use this when drawing your picture for others to guess
Use the word generator here, to have the computer ‘auto-select’ your word and its level of difficulty
Be sure once you start drawing to share your screen so others can see it!
Keep track of points, as teams or individuals, guess the answers
Enjoy and don’t forget to snap some memories in the making…it is after all – a November to Remember!
~ Carrie White (sister, House Blogger).