I didn’t start out my childhood thinking I would be a writer and copywriter. I always wanted to be a nurse: my whole childhood and young adulthood. I wished for that to happen. I even started an LPN course but had to drop out due to contracting appendicitis. But things got in the way. I got married at age 19, and 5 months later, I had my first child. One year later, I had my second. Nineteen months later, my third came along. Two years after that, my fourth was born. And then finally, one year later, my fifth came into our lives.
I was a stay at home mother and even tried my hand in homeschooling for six years. This kept me busy and on my toes. Having five so close in age was a challenge, for sure. I had children, toddlers, and babies. At one point, I had five children under the age of 6 years old. Going back to school was the last thing I needed at that point.
As my children grew older, I had thoughts of entering the workforce. I tried my hand at being a direct care provider for three years in a group home for disabled adults. I really enjoyed it, but again, life got in the way. I developed severe health problems. This followed me for more than 12 years. It finally abated, and I started thinking of what I could do to bring some money into the home.
I came across an ad. ” Writers Wanted: Get Paid To Write” Out of curiosity, I responded. I always had been a great writer, getting A’s on all my courses. I wrote my first article, and with some hesitation, I submitted it. They loved it and encouraged me to write more. The pay was dismal, but I figured out I had to start somewhere. I researched freelance writing. The more I learned, the more I wanted to do it more.
Then I came across copywriting. I knew it was something I wanted to pursue. I have self-taught myself everything I could on the subject. I took the courses. I bought books. And I read and studied and practiced. I started cold emailing companies advertising my services. I found clients and kept writing. I loved it. To this day, I am so excited about my new career. I will be starting a nine-month Digital Marketing Course to get a certificate and be eligible to take 24 certifications. I can’t believe how far I have come in such a short time. It’s amazing what you can do when you have a passion for something.
And it’s never the wrong time to start something new, and you are never too old to pursue a new career—Chase after your passions and desires. Don’t let anything hold you back. You can do this!!