We search for the perfect words that bless, help, and prosper one another.
Have you taken notice to the pleasure and the strain in writing words? To me, the pleasure to connect in the deepest part of your soul with another seems like the closest thing to God. And it’s so important to be clear when choosing words so that others can understand what we feel.
Writing a book and blogging have become within reach of most everyone these days. But as an author, I confess that I hesitate to publish even a modest comment without an echo of reference from scripture or from a saintly teacher who points to the same path. And it’s no coincidence how quickly the perfect scripture or quote appears to support whatever point I’m trying to make!
Only then am I comforted that this inspiration is from God and not my ego, and I feel more confident as I write. You may feel this way, too. I just love Pope Francis telling participants at the opening Synod “Speak frankly. Listen humbly.” I find his words most powerful and encouraging, and I hope to put them into practice as I write.
Writing is giving a word a thought to live in, or a thought for a word to live in while we search for the perfect words that bless, help, and prosper one another. Whether the reader is looking for love, adventure, history, politics, education, creativity, inspiration, healing, health, or simply to connect with someone else, a writer’s words can be the closest thing to God for those who read them. Those words help the reader to understand themselves from another’s creative experiences and ideals. We all want to know the words that God would have us write through inspiration. And we all have to look at the whole (holy) picture before we jot them down without proper consideration and care.
At times, it may feel somewhat of a strain when our smaller selves don’t want to give up the familiar words we’re used to choosing; regardless of whether they’re the best choice. Nonetheless, they have been the pictures in our minds and those words, thoughts, and feelings have become the truths in our lives. It’s not until the sacred whisper replaces those thoughts and ideas that have not blessed, healed, helped, or prospered us that the writer recognizes and re-write the words that we can understand on a deeper level. Only then will we see something larger and greater that makes all the difference in our lives. Only then are we reborn to the greater passion that ignites beautiful and loving words that speak in our hearts — and to free them. That is when we begin to thrive in blessings and prosperity and joined together in the expression of the thought, the feeling, of God’s creations.
In the wonderful words of Daniel Berrigan:
“The Word is light and ardor, darkness and reproof. Fiery, icy, comforting, reproving, disconcerting, cutting asunder, “striking to the joining place of bone and marrow,” it works a strange surgery of the spirit.”
“If the seed is to fall on good ground, it must wait on an open heart. Open like loosened soil to the rain, we imagine the world anew, with a courage to match the ancient heroes of the Word. And so gifted we embrace and embody that new world, showing its presence in love for one another.” — Source: Daniel: Under the Siege of the Divine
About Catherine Nagle: Catherine grew up in Philadelphia with 16 brothers and sisters, reared by loving, old school Italian parents. Catherine’s artist father’s
works graced locations from churches to public buildings; her mother was a full-time homemaker. A professional hairdresser, Catherine worked in various salons while studying the Bible and pursuing spiritual growth through courses, seminars, lectures and inspirational books, including the works of Marianne Williamson among many others. The mother of two children and a grandmother, Catherine lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and son. She is the Author of Imprinted Wisdom.
Follow Catherine Nagle on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cath4608
Catherine Nagle Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Writer, Author
Originally published at www.huffingtonpost.com on December 9, 2014.
Originally published at medium.com