Some people say it’s resources, luck, background or connections that create successful people. Whereas I surely agree that all these and many other factors influence the path of every individual, the most contributing factor to achieving something significant is self-belief. Without this key ingredient, there’s not a lot that could help you.

You can achieve it if you believe in yourself! This saying holds true in our walk of life. If we make realistic goals and strive towards it then success is no more a dream. Some achieve success without much effort and a few others with relentless effort. Life is challenging with lots of ups and downs, so we need not run away from the battlefield but stay on till the war is over. Every lesson of life makes us a stronger person.

You find yourself in a situation that is unfamiliar to you and doesn’t know what to do. What does your gut instinct tell you? Most of the time the decision it makes is correct. So roll with it and don’t look back.

Aakash Chandani was a struggling temporary tattoo artist and he was okay earning basic livelihood for his family. He was sure that whatever he will do in life will be related to his creative zeal. He had this belief that art would lead him in the right direction.

Successful people love what they do, and that is why they don’t mind failing and then start over again. They simply love what they do they care more about the progress than the result. When you are passionate about what you do, you will become an optimist.

Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity, not just a means to an end. Build in reminders to keep yourself on track, and make regular time-slots available to review your goals. Your end destination may remain quite similar over the long term, but the action plan you set for yourself along the way can change significantly. Make sure the relevance, value, and necessity remain high Aakash quoted.