Leaders. They are the first resource for their team members and coworkers. They provide inspiration and motivation to others on a consistent basis in order to encourage company success. But what motivates them?

There are so many books and blogs out there that promise valuable advice for those in leadership positions. It’s impossible to read them all and implausible to try. So, to save you some time, I’ve curated a short list of reputable leadership books and blogs currently making Top 10 Lists across the internet. Learn something new by adding one of the following resources to your leadership development plan in 2019.


Unlearning Leadership – Guy Bell

This book breaks down the timeless “It’s just business” excuse referenced by leaders for centuries. It urges leaders to forget everything they know about putting the organization first, and focus instead on harnessing the potential of the individuals that make up the organization. According to the Amazon description, Unlearning Leadership “shows you how to invest in your business ecosystem to make smarter, more sustainable decisions.” 

We Are All The Same Age Now – David Allison

In We Are All The Same Age Now, David Allison explains how leaders can utilize big data to better understand team members. He posits that by eliminating outdated statistics and increasing focus on “Valuegraphics,” company leaders can expect to significantly improve workplace efficiency and effectiveness.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – Daniel Pink

Leaders looking to do away with incentivized motivational tactics should pick up this Daniel Pink bestseller as soon as possible. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us uses science to analyze the main factors behind human motivation and apply them to the business world. It effectively explains three indicators of true motivation and offers implementation techniques that will “change how [you] think and transform how [you] live.”


Lolly Daskal

According to the Huffington Post, Lolly Daskal “is the most inspirational woman in the world.” She is a coach, consultant, and speaker focusing exclusively on assisting leaders in every stage of development. Motivation and inspiration can be found in nearly all of her blog posts, along with valuable lessons communicated in a clear, straightforward manner.

Wally Bock’s Three-Star Leadership

Though it’s a little less well-known than Lolly Daskal, Three Star Leadership is a fantastic blog-based resource for leaders that are also managers. Bock curates lessons from a wide variety of bloggers in his “Boss’s Tip of the Week” series and centers his own content on providing the resources bosses need to grow, learn, and succeed as leaders. This blog is meant for leaders of all levels.

Let’s Grow Leaders

Let’s Grow Leaders produces content that is slightly more advanced and, thus, is meant for leaders in mid to senior level positions. The blog is run by a husband-wife team who, together, boast years of experience in several fields that are critical to leadership development (customer service, building organizations, human resources, and more). Their focus is on helping leaders create and develop positive customer and employee experiences in an inspirational, yet practical, way.

This article was originally published on NeilNewstead.net.